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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 23, 18th-25th June 1649 E.531[4]

A Perfect Summary
Passages of PARLIAMENT, And other Choyce Intelligence
containing these Heads following, viz.
A Declaration of the French Concerning P. Charles. P. Charles his Propositions to
the Arch Duke Leopald. Letters from Ireland, of the marching of Ormond of besiege
Dublin, And how Col. Jones sallied out. The Particulars of severall fights both by sea,
and Land. Letters from the Navy. And the Scots Commissioners Reports of their
new Kings Message to the Parl. Of Scotland. Reports from the Councel of State to the
Parl. concerning the advancement of the House, and the Votes of the House of Commons.
And the Votes and the Commission granted to Lieut. Gen, Cromwell, And good newes
from Ireland.
Imprimatur, Theedore Jennings: June 23. 1649.
From Munday the 18. of June. to Munday the 25. of June. 1649.
Beginning Munday the 18. of June.
BY Letters from Flint, it was this day certified
that some of Col. Venables Souldiers attempted
to surprize the States monies in some of the
Excise-mens hands, and finding opposition, one
of the Sub-Commissioners of Excise, his hand
almost cut off.
From Shrewsbury letters advertise that there
is a new rising in Shrapshire. (some say that Col.
Clive, formerly a Member of the House of
Commons, is chief of them; and that they have
gathered to an head, and fallen upon Capt.
That well, and taken all, or most part of his mens
Horses and Arms, and stript them (so far as
their Cloaths were worth taking) to their
shirts, declaring that the reason of their falling upon them was, because they did
adhere to the party that put the King to death; a speedy account will be required
of this action.
An Act passed this day, entituled. An Act for relief of all such persons as have
been, are or shall be sued, molested or otherwise dampnified contrary to Articles or conditions
in time of war.
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