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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 22, 11th-18th June 1649 E.530[42]

unlesse it be upon the Agreement: The Commis. of the Kirk have deposed one Mr.
Richardson one of the Preshytery of Peerth, for drinking a health to the K. of Scotland,
and wishing the late ingagement had succeeded better.
The Q. of England is in a sad condition for want of mony, the P. of Wales is expected
in France, His Mother must determine him whether to France, or Ireland
all beleeve she will for Ireland, what ever agreement he make with the Scots, but its
thought he will not stir out of France until towards Michaelmas, he is in such straits
for money, that his followers will be necessitated to leave him, and shift for themselves,
and the more ancient, who have anything to compound for in England come
a pace thereto.
A Report was made to the House from the Committee about salt, in relation to
a Petition formerly presented by Mr. Samuel Atkins, Merchant of London, who
hath taken extraordinary paines, (in behalf of the Saltmakers of this
in following the same, And this day the House in consideration of imploying
the poor, & to encourage the Manufacture of this Nation, passed this following
Act, viz.
BE it enacted and declared by this present Parl. And it is enacted and declared by
of the same, That all Salt not made within this Common-wealth of England,
or the Dominions thereof is taken and adjudged to be forraigne Salt, and shall pay one penny
upon every Galland for Excise, as forraign Salt doth from this instant 12. of June,
1649. The same to be paid by the first buyer, and that the Commissioners of the Excise,
and their Officers, do take care to receive the same accordingly; any Law, Statue, or
order to the contrary not withstanding.
The house of Commons passed Instructions for an Act to be brought in, for setling
of the next Winters Guard for the Sea.
Instructions passed for bringing of the Accounts of Mr. Robinson.
Wednesday June 13.
THe house of Commons ordered the Act for the monies formerly allowed Mrs.
Rainsborough, and the Act for Mrs. Blackston to be reported on the Thursday
next following.
An Act of the Commons of England in Parl. Assembled, for the further Relief of
maimed Souldiers, and the Widdowes and Orphans of Souldiers slain
in the service of the Parliament.
WHereas it is resolved that the 260 l. per week, be added to make up the summe of
300 l. per week, formerly assigned the summe of 260 l. per week, for all occasions.
It is enacted, ordered, and declared by this present Parliament, and by Authority
thereof, That 130 l. per week, weekly be paid out of the Treasury at Goldsmiths-hall,
towards the said summe of 560 l. per week, for the further Relief of the poor maimed
Souldiers, Widdowes, and Orphans of Souldiers slain in the Parliament Service over
and above the 100 l. per week, formerly charged on the Treasury, unto Mr. William
Greenhill, Mr. John Pocock, Mr. John Randall, and Mr. Richard Hutchinson,
Treasurers for the maimed Souldiers aforesaid, not withstanding all other monies formerly
charged upon that Treasury: And the Acquittance or Receipt of the said Treasurers
or any two of them, shall be a sufficient discharge to the Treasurers at Goldsmiths
Hall, in that behalf.
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