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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 22, 11th-18th June 1649 E.530[42]

The Elizabeth hath taken an Irish Vessel laden with Oranges & Leomons for Washford.
The house passed the accounts of Lieut. Gen. Cromwell. Com. G. Ireton goes over
M.G. with him into Ireland. The Other Gen. Officers will be setled there after
advice with Col. Jones, &c. The house considered of the prejudice done to Sir John
Danvers, for his good affections to the Parl. how he may be righted. Some Members
are againe admitted.
Fryday June 15.
THe house of Commons this day approved of Commis. Gen. Ireton, to go with
L.G. Cromwell, over into Ireland, and passed Orders relating to his Accounts.
The Accompts of the Lord Lisle (who was formerly sent over into Ireland) also
was debated by the House, and severall orders passed therein. The house continued
the weekely pay to divers Ladies and Gentlemen, that are outed of their meanes
in Ireland, which was for some weeks taken from them. Some Instructions passed
for the Councell of State, about dispatches for Ireland. The House passed severall
orders for setling of the Circuits, and the Judges.
Saturday June 16.
THe house of Commons passed severall orders for removing of obstructions in the
sale of Bishops, and Deans and Chapters Lands; And for the bringing in of monies
contracted for, by Members of Parl. as well as others. An Act passed for the
making good of orders formerly passed concerning Col. Fox, for his Arrears, for his
service in the late wars under the Parl. P. Charles is still in Flanders, where he hath
received Letters from the Queene of England, to delay his finall answer to the Scots
Commis. And to send expresses to the Marq. Of Ormond to hasten against Dublin.
Col. Jones hath fallyed out of Dublin, and sent out for provisions for his Army.
The Gen. Of the Navy are again come before Kingsale and block up P. Ruperts
ships there, where there hath lately been a private fight between some of P. Ruperts
men, and some of the Souldiers of Kingsale fort, in which blood was drawn on
both sides and Ruperts men forced to take shiping.
Die Sabbathi, 16. June 1649.
ORdered, That Mr. Allen do make report of Sir Will. Dukes busines from Goldsmiths-Hall,
on Thursday next. There hath been a strong Endeavour by some to have an Act of Parl. for setling the jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty, and taking off prohibitions at common. Law,
in such cases as properly belong to the Admiralty, repealed; but Merchants need not be affraid to
prosecute by the Authority of that Act, for they may be confident the Parl. are more tender of the
honour of their Acts, which are the Rule and Law in which we must acqui[unr]sse, then upon slight
surmises, or for any particular mans interest, to do a thing so prejudiciall to the Trade and commerce
of this common-wealth, as the reapling or suspending that act must necessarily bee. That
the Parl. extending with all convenient speed to lessen and take away assesment, and other Taxes,
and to ease the people of the great burthen of free-quarter, and do expect the peoples due conformity
to the payment of Excise, as the only way which will conduce to those ends, and to the maintenance
of such formes as they are necessarily constrained to keepe up for the security of the people
of this Nation, and recovery of Ireland, and being very sensible of the great and faithfull service
of the present ends of Excise, in the mannagement of those Receipts, have passed this following
Vote. Die Sabbathi, 16. June, 1649.
REsolved upon the Question by the Commons assembled in Parl. That this House doth
agree with the Committee of Excise, that the Commissioners of Excise now in being
be continued in their respective places, untill the 25. day of Decemb. next, unlesse this
House shall take further Order to the contrary.

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