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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 23, 18th-25th June 1649 E.531[4]

the said Committee. And it was also referred to the same Committee to consider
how an estate of 1000 l. per Annum formerly ordered, may be setled on that well-deserving
Gentleman, Major Gen. Skippen.
Instructions concerning some propositions were by the house referred to the
consideration of Col. Rich, Mr. Holland, Col. Fleetwood, Sir Peter Wentwortk, and
Mr. Leechmeer.
The House passed some Instructions concerning the Trustees and Treasurers for
sale of Deanes and Chapters Lands, as to matter of Order for paying of their sallary,
Mr. Leechmeer reported the Act for the fall of the rates in the sale of Deans and
Chapters Lands, according to the Votes of Saturday last (already mentioned)
which Act was upon the question recommitted to the same Committee, they to
meete this afternoon, and make speedy report back to the house.
The Petition before mentioned from one Tompson, &c. was this day read (and
after debates) upon the question, referred to the Committee of Leicester, to heare
and determine.
Letters from York say, that some of the reduced Souldiers headed, and imprisoned
M. Barwis, M. Fairer, M. Marwood, and M. Rymere in the Deanary. where they
kept them 4. houres, untill Lieut. Col Goodwick and Lieut. Col. Carter from the
Lord Mayor pacified them.
From Scotland come newes that their Commissioners are returned from Holland,
with papers from their new King, in answer to their last Propositions, (But
they were not at the date of the letters that come this day to London, come to the
Parl. at Edenburgh.) The Commissioners tell their friends, good newes, good newes,
questions were asked them, hath the King agreed, they answer, no, will be take the
Covenant? No, Hath be promised to come hither before be goes for Ireland? no, where
is Montrosle? Listing of forces it Holland: What is the effect of the papers you have
brought? That he will settle this Kingdom in peace, and maintain the Kirk and the
Lawes of the Land, and to presto the Parl. to submit to his royall power, which
they have declared just, and to trust him whom they have declared their lawfull
King. Those (and such like) are the Answers which the Commissioners that come
from their King, give.
The forces designed for Ireland do now draw to the water sides in severall places
of England, to be transported for Ireland, Col. Reynolds his Regiment, are ready
for shipping and Col. Okeys Companies are near the water side, are so Col. Hasons
and the rest.
The house passed the Arrears of M. Wilson 100 l. as Muster. master in Way wickshire,
and referred it to a Committee to consider of the dammages which he and the
rest of the Officers of the Court of Wards have sustained by losse of their places, by
taking away that Court, and he W they may have some allowance, and to report
their opinions to the house on Munday next.
The house of Commons pasted some Votes for the setting forth of such particular
Lands as are to be for the maintenance of Westminster Schcole: And some other
Votes passed in order to the Widdowes Petition.
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