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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 24, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.531[9]

A Perfect Summary
Passages of PARLIAMENT, And other choyce Intelligence
containing these Heads following, viz.
AN order of Parl. for Richmond house and Park to be given to the City of London.
A Letter to P. Charles King of Scotland, from his mother, late Q. of England,
which hath caused him to returne backe again to Bredah not to come into France, for
feare of the people. New papers from the Scots to their King. The Northern
Declaration to march with Major Gen. Lambart against the Scots. Letters from
Dublin of a bloody fight betwene the Marquisse of Ormond, and Col. Jones with a
list of the Cheife Officers that are slain taken prisoners and wounded. Severall fights at
Sea, and the names of the Ships and cheife Officers taken; And the Lord Lievtenant
Ciumwells Instractiens to his Life-Guard, with his resolutions to go this Weeks for the
Releif of Ireland.
Imprimatur, Theadore Jennings. June 31. 1649.
From Munday the 25. of June, to Munday the 2 of July 1649.
B ginning Munday the 25. of June.
AN Act Passed for the Assizes to be held in
Lancaster Castle for the County pallatine of
Lancaster, and Instructions passed for the
Judges that go the Northern Circuits; & also
Instructions for the Lords Commissioners of
great Seal, for the justices of Oyer & Terminer,
The Petition of the Minors for the Leade
oare in Derbishire, was this day read, and also
the Petition of the Earl of Rutland, who
opposeth their digging in his grounds to prejudice
him was also read; The house referred
the business to the Judges that go that Circuit,
to end the business if they can, if not,
then to report it to the house.
A Report was made to the house of the ships for the next Winters Guard for
the Seas, and other particulars about the same, and approved of.
ORdered by the Commons assembled in Part. That it be referred to the Committee of
the Revenue, to consider of the great Charges of the Lord Lieut. of Ireland, occasioned
by reason of his Command in that service, and what allowance is fit to be made in respect
of his said daily Charge whilst he stayes here, and report their opinion to the house.
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