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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 24, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.531[9]

to be made; and thereupon, and upon consideration, as well of the value of the
losses and damages sustained, and of the nature and circumstances of the cases,
as also of the Leagues, Amities and Articles of the Peace, and upon observation
such due Solemnities, as the said Councell of STATE shall finde meet
by the said Leagues, Articles and Lawes of NATIONS, to bee
observed, to grant and give Warrant for, and cause to bee issued out
under the Seal of the Court of Admiraltie, in the name of the Keepers of the
Liberty of England by authority of Parliament, speciall and particular Letters of
Marque or Reprisall in all such cases, and to all such performs as the said Councel
of state shall finde just and requisite, to be repaired in that course and way of
proceeding, by Letters of Marque, to apprehend, seize and take the Ships, Vessels, Goods and Merchandizes of those particular Nations, or Countries that
committed the said spoils and abuses, and continued the wrong, without repairing
the same by the usuall way of justice, until such person or persons shall be
fully satisfied for all such Wrongs, Damages and Injuries so by him or them
sustained; which said Letters of Reprisall, shall issue forth in such manner and
form, and under such Cautions, Limitations and Restrictions, as the said Councel
of state shall direct and allow of, and not otherwise.
Hen. Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.
An additionall Act for encouragement of Purchasers of Deanes and Chapters
WHereas by an Act of this present Parliament, entituled, An Act of the Commons
of England in Parl. assembled, for the abolishing of Deans, Deans &
Chapters, Canons, Prebends, and other Offices and Titles of, or belonging to any
Cathedral or Collegiate Church or Chappel within England or Wales. It is among
other things enacted, That the Contractors (in that Act named) shall not sell any of the
Land is Poss[unr]ssions or Heredi a meats of the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other
the persons in that Act mentioned, in possession under the 12. years purchase, and so in
proportion the Reversion of Reversion of the Premises expectant upon Estates for Life,
Lives or Years, as in and by the said Act more at large appeareth. And where as by the
said Act it is further Enacted and Ordained, Thus no person or persons, who hath or have
any debt transferred by the said Act from the Securities or Receipts of the grand Excise.
or the Receipts for the Composition of Delinquents at Goldsmiths-hall, his or there assigne
or assignes, being a Purchaser within the said Act, shall have allowance of such debt
by the Trustees, Register-Accompiant or Treasurers in that Act named, in part of the
monies for the Purchase of the premises, under the rate of 15. years purchase of Lands in
possessions and for Reversions in proportion thereunto, unless such person or persons, this or
their assignce or assignees, shall first advance the like sum in ready money by way of doubling,
in such sort as other persons by that Act have liberty to do: The Parl. of England
taking into consideration how expedient it is for this Common-wealth, that speedy al[unr]le
made of the premises, for the present raising of monies, for and towards (amongst other
things) the speedy transporting the forces now in readines for the relief of Ireland and
thereby easing this Nation of the Free-quarter, and other burthens of those Soildiers,[unr]
also for the Payment of the debts so transferred, or otherwise fixed upon the promises, by
Act or Order of this present Parl. have for the encouragement of Purchasers Enacted [unr]
ordained, and be it by authority of this present Parl. Enacted and Ordained; and the said
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