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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 24, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.531[9]

Contractors, or any 5 or more of them are hereby authorized and impowered to treat, contract
and agree with any person or persons, Bodies politique or Corporate, for the sale of
the said premises, or any part there of for ready money, or upon doubling in possession at 10
years purchase, and not under; and so in proportion for any Reversions of the premises expectiat
for any estate for Life, Lives or Years, and not under, according to the Rules &
P[unr]s set down in an Ordinance of the 17. of March, 1647. entiuled, An Ordinance
of the Lords & Commons assemabled in Parl. for removing obstructions in the
[unr] of Reversions of Bi hops Lands: And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,
That the Contractors, or any 5. or more of them, are hereby authorized and impowered,
to treat, contract and agree with any person or persons, Bodies
politique or Cor-porate, their assignee or Assignees, whose debts are transferred,
or otherwise fixed upon the premises, as aforesaid for the sale of the premises
or any part thereof in possession, to be paid for by the debts so transferred or
fix d without doubling is aforesaid) at 13. years purchase, and not under; and so in proportion
for any Reversion or Reversions expectant upon Estates for Life, Lives or Years,
and not under, unles such person or persons, his or their Assignee or Assignees, shall first
advance the like sum in ready money, or by way of doubling, in such sort as other persons
by that Act have liberty to do; and the said Trustees, Treasurers, and Register accomptans,
and all other persons in the said Act named, imployed or intrusted in the sale of the
premises, are hereby authorized and enjoyned to allow of the said Contracts, and the said
Trustees to convey the premises accordingly, Any Act Ordinance or Law to the contrary
in any wise notw thstanding : And for the better encouragement of such as shall desire
to become Purchasers of the Premises, or any part thereof for ready money, or money advanced
by way of doubling as aforesaid. Be it further Enacted and Ordained, That the
said Contractors shall not Treat or Contract for the sale of the Premises or any part thereof
in possession to be paid for, otherwise then with ready money, or money advanced by pay
of doubling as aforesaid, until 10. dayes after the return of the Survey of the same, nor
for the sale of the Reversion of any of the premises to be paid for, otherwise then with ready
money, or money advanced by way of doubling as aforesaid, until 10. dayes after the
time allowed by the said former Act to the immediate Tenant or Tenants for Contracting
and subscribing their Contracts; and after the said 10. dayes respectively, the said Contractors
may proceed to the sale of the premises, or any part thereof not contracted for
within the said 10. dayes as aforesaid, to any person or persons, Bodies Politique or Corporate,
to be paid for by the debts so transferred or fixed as aforesaid. Any thing in this
Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Hen. Scob. Cler. Parliamenti.
Mr. Clement, Mr. Scot, and others were ordered to be admitted to double.
The house chose a Committee to consider of those Acts reported from the
Councel of State, to be passed; which of them are of greatest necessity for dispatch,
that they may be finished before the house adjourn.
Tuesday June 26.
A Petition was presented to the House from the Countesse of Exeter, which
together with severall other Petitions were referred untill next weeke.
The house also referred the report of the Militis, the Act for Creditors and debtors,
and severall other businesses to severall daies to be reported.
An Act was brought in and read, for the sale of the Goods of the late King,
which passed in the severall Branches of it, onely the Christen names of some of
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