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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 24, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.531[9]

that 350. part of a Brigade that should have been made Officers at their march towards
Cambray, are all taken: Col. Rookeby and some others are joyning their forces towards
Dunkerk to go against the Spaniard.
Paris (30. alias) 20, June.
The King of Stots Message to the Parliament of Scotlands last desires.
I Am much unsatisfied with the Papers of the first and second of this moneth, in
Answer to mine to the 29. of May, finding by them, that my reall endeavours to
give all just satisfaction to my Subjects of Scotland, are undervalued: and mis-interpreted,
and observing in them severall inferences, opposing the natural sence & true
intent of what I have proposed with most sincere intentions, for the good of that
Church and Kingdome, and unseasonable and uselesse questions, neither properly
arising out of any former Papers, nor conducing to the Common peace. But neither
these nor any other discouragements shall prevaile with me, to some new thing that
tends to the peace and happinesse of my good Subjects of Scotland, to which I shall
most effectually, to my utmost power, upon all occasions, apply my self according
to the duty which I owe, to Almighty God, in the exercise of my Royall power,
for the good of my people. In Order whereunto I shall with convenient speed send
you by the expresse mentioned in my last Paper: the more particular answer I then
promised, and shall like wise more ful y expresse my selfe concerning the matter
conteined in those Papers, and shall shew more particularly what I now complaine
of. In the mean time, I expect and require from all my good Subjects of
Scotland such obedience as is due to me their King by the Lawes of God, Nature,
and of that Kingdom.
The Scots expect their Kings next Message to be so full, as to put all to a speedy
period one way or other. He is willing to grant the Covenant so it be not forced,
And consents to the old Propositions of the Parliament of England and Scotland.
The House of Commons this day passed an Act for Master Scot and others of the
Isle of Wight, that disbursed 500 l. for relief of Lime, when it was besieged by
Prince Maurice, they to be admitted to doub ing upon Dears and Chapters Lands.
The House ordered that the Committee for the Army do bring in an Act for
the Delinquents of Northwales to compound for a sum of monies, as those of
Southwales had done.
Thursday June 28.
THis day the House of Commons had the Act brought in (with the amendments)
for sale of Mannors, Parks, Forrests, and other Lands of the late King, which
was read, and with the amendments ordered to be recommitted.
This Act is for payment of all the souldiery out of these Landes
Right Honourable, A Letter from Ganunt in Holland.
PRince CHarles (the Scots King) is at a stand since the reducing of the Levellers in
England, for Whilest his designs should have been mannaged in Scotland and Ireland
it was expected they would have found work enough for England, so that he is not yet resolved
whither to go, he intended for France, and so for Ireland, but stayes at Bruxels,
at present, and is not yet resolved Whither to goe, nor what answer to send to the Scots;
Montrosse is imployed with some instructions in Holland, having private assurrnce of
the Princes favour; at present there is great endeavours for monies and ammunition
for Ormond. The French Armie have good successe before Cambrey.
Gaunt (30 alias) 20. June 1649
The Committee for advance mony have upon examination of the scandal laid upon
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