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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 23, 20th-27th August 1649 E.532[27]

Numb. 23.
A Pefect Summary
The last proceedings between the Parliaments Army
in IRELAND, and the King of Scots Forces.
Commanded by the Marquess of Ormond, and the Lord Castle Haven.
From the Princes Fleet at Sea, and the Parliaments Navy;
With choyce Intelligence from Forraign parts, concerning
these ensuing Heads, viz.
The Parliaments Declaration against the Marq of Ormond Lord of Ards and Lord
Inchequin, &c. A great victory obtained by Owen Roe against the Lord Ards, and Sr.
Robert Steward, the Scots body totally routed. The Articles of agreement between Sir
Charles Coote and Owen Roe. A great fight at Sea divers kil'd and taken prisoners
A New Message sent from the Gen. Assembly of the Kirk to their King. The last news
from Derry, the proceedings of Sir Charles Coot against Rohee Castle, and a List of the
Field Officers brought prisoners to Derry. The last News from Dublin and Munster of
the proceedings of the Lord Governour and Major Gen. Ireton. A Message from Charls
the II. to Prince Rupert. and a rich Present taken that was sent to Prince Maurice.
Imprimatur THEODORE JENNINGS. August 25. 1649.
From Munday the 20. of August to Munday the 27. of August 1649.
Beginning Munday the 20. of August.
FRom Scotland it was this advertized, That the Committee of Estates
have met; but order nothing for drawing out forces into
the field; but chiefly to bring in those that engaged against England,
to a publique renuntiation, and to keep down Malignants.
The letter to their King is finished, which is only to let him
know, that although Ormonds forces are routed in Ireland, yet
they do again make their addresses unto him to desire him to grant unto them
those things formerly propounded by them to him. And if they have any complying
answer from their King to this letter, then they intend to send Commissioners
again to treat with him; But he must cast off all his old Councel, and renounce
the advice of his Mother, signe the Covenant, and submit to the Kirk censures, or
else nothing will satisfie.
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