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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 23, 20th-27th August 1649 E.532[27]

last they prevailed with them, not to meddle with his person or his books.
Capt. Allen, that notable Ring-leader of the revolted ships, is broke away
out of Peter-House, where he was prisoner, and Cap. Collins, and Capt. Pullin, and
others, petition for their liberty.
Some Instructions passed about 4000.l. that was disbursed for disbanding of the
Lancashire Forces, which monies was transferred.
An Act was brought in for appointing a constitution of government for Florida
plantation, subordinate to England, which after after some debate was committed.
An Act was brought in, and read, for setling of the Colledge of Westminster, and
for preserving certain lands out of the Deans, not to be sold, but to be reserved for
maintenance of Westminster Schoole, with some other particulars concerning the
Citie of Westminster all which was referred to a Committee, with instructions herein,
for amendments of divers particulars in the said Act.
The House of Commons was acquainted that there were divers papers of consequence
taken at Rye in a French mans Trunk, of very great consequence; which papers
doe discover a notable. Popish designe to have been set on foot here in England:
one of the papers was read.
There are severall Commissions from the Bishop of Chalcedon, (that is of Great
Britaine, so the Pope stiles him.) by authority of the Church of Rome. And these
Commissions are directed to severall Popish Priests, and others appointed to carry
on the Popes designes here in England. Some of the Commissions have the picture
of the Virgin Mary, with a child in her Lap. And one them was printed in white
Sattin, They were to constitute a Presbytery.
The matter of the Commission was to give power to the said persons to settle
the Discipline of the Romish Church in England and Scotland: And there were papers
of instructions for that purpose.
The names and divers things are in Cyphers, but some part of them are uncyphered,
but not any of their names yet discovered.
The House passed Instructions for Mr. Atturney Generall, and others joyned with
him, to make a further examination of the businesse, and to report it to the House.
30000. l. of the monies for Ireland, was put aboard Cap. Howets Ship, the tenth
instant : and the other 30000. l. then preparing for putting aboard since; which all
hath been sent to the Lord Lieutenant.
Captain Reynolds is come from Murlex in France, with a Convoy of three vessels
very considerable, amounting to the value of 200000. 1. and having brought them
safe to Tarr Bay, he left them to the convoy of Capt. Brandity, who hath brought
them safe into the Downes.
Capt. Thoroughgood hearing of some of the Princes ships about the Forland, was
to convoy two Ketches from Ostend bound for London, to see them safe in Margate
Road, which he did; and returning, discried two such vessels that evening, and
he intended to be in Dunkirk Road by break of day with Captain Pierce, who that
night no sooner was at anchor, but saw an Hoy passe by, at which he made shot, to
cause her to strike, but she kept off, which made him mistrust the more. Cap. Pierce
shot again, and sent his Boat and boarded her, and she proved to be a vessell taken
the same day, laden with Corn, and the enemy had taken out some, for their store,
the rest was left in, and had manned her with some of their men, who are now our
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