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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 21, 30th July-6th August 1649 E.532[9]

Numb 21.
A Perfect Summary
Passages of PARLIAMENT, AND other Choyce Intelligence
containing these Heads following, viz.
The Whole Army in Ireland some up to the Storming of the City of Dubline, and the
maner thereof. A great and bloudy fight 700. Slain, And the Lord Inchiqueene
himselfe wounded, And other Letters from severall parts in Ireland of great
Importance; A Declaration of Charles the II delivered to the Councell table touching
the Desires of the Parliament of Scotland; And his resolution concerning Montrosse or
any other who have fought in the behalfe of his Father or himselfe, New risings in
France. A List of the Forces raysing in Scotland. A Message presented to the King
of Scots by 2 of his Priuy Councellors. An Act of Parliament for Indemnifying those
that have served the Parliament. Happy tydings from the Nauy, And the Tryall
of an Eminent officer of the Armp by a Court Marshall. With the Propositions of the
Presbyteran Ministers to the Parliament of Scotland.
From Munday the 30. of July. to Munday the 6 of August 1649.
Beginning Munday the. 30 of July.
THere are ten Colliers more gone from the Downes. The Hector
goeth Convoy, and Col. Popham failes with the Convoy in the
Hapy-entrance, as far as Portsmouth.
A Letter from Jarusey complaines of Mr. de la March his letter
sent thither, but the honest Gentleman of the Countrey say
they know him to be a Gentleman of known integrity, honest,
peaceable, and faithfull..
Leivtenant Meredith was dismist his imployment in the garison of Wallinford; by
the procurement of Agitant Generall Evelin goveronour thereof; for that he did
declare for those souldiers which rebelled against the Lord Generall Fairfax, and
were taken in Burford, and after his dismission. he put in Articles against the governour.
The Court Marshall (justly suspecting that the Articles were put in of
malice against him) ordered that he should give bond of 100 l. to prosecute the
charge, which he promised to doe, and said he would make them good with life.
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