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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 21, 30th July-6th August 1649 E.532[9]

But after being balled upon by the Judge Advocate to give his bond, he absolutely
refused, as also to give in the names of his witnesses, and is since gone away
into Wales; Whereupon this day at a ful Court, the Articles were voted to be
scandalous, and to be cast out of the Court Marshall, and never more to be proceeded
in. What a miserable thing is it, that amoungst men profession godlinesse
joyn in one cause, some should as this Lieutenant did, bespatter men of honour
and worth.
The House of Commons passed an Act for the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of
London to have power to transport 60 prisoners out of Newgate (that lye for
Felony and other high crimes) to the Summer Islands, and other Plantations under
the power of England,
An Act passed for the new Seales for the new Commissioners of the customes
An Act was read twice and committed for regulating of the whole Excise.
The House passed Instructions for the Councell of State to treat with the Gentlemen
formerly mentioned about his Propositions, concerning the Library and
the Pictures, statues, and Moddelles of the late King, that are Sr. Jameses, for
preserving of them for the State. And severall reports were appointed to dayes,
(viz.) For the accounts of the Nation. Reports from the Navy. Rules for Corporationes, &c.
Tuesday July.
THe House of Commons being acquainted that Mr. Leoman on of their Members
was chosen Alderman of the City of London. It was Ordered to be Left to himself
to give in what answer he pleaseth: But it is probable he will not hold the place
because he hath left the City for about 17 yeares last past.
MR. Trencherd Reports from the Committee at Goldsmiths hall, the state of the
busines touching the 9100 li. towards satisfaction of the Accounts of Officers, and
Officers Wives, and other persons accoeing to such Lists as this House shall approve off.
and the opinion of that Committee thereupon. That the treasurers at Gouldsmiths hall
be ordered to pay the said sum of 9100 li, to Mr. Pocock, Mr. Greenhill, & the rest of
the Treasurers for maymed Souldiers. for the uses expressed in the Order of the 4 of Aprill 1648. And that the receipts of the said Treasurers, or any two of them may be
sufficient discharge to the said Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Treasurers at Gouldsmiths
Hall, be required to pay the said sum of 9100 l. to Mr. Pecock, Mr. Greenhill
and the rest of the Treasurers for maymed souldiers, for the uses expressed in the Order of
the 4 of Aprill 1648. And that the receipt of the said Treasurers, or any two or more of
them be a sufficient discharge to the said Treasurers at Gouldsmiths Hall.
An Act passed this day consisting diverse enlargements, additionalll to the Act
for the sale of Deans and Chapters Lands removing obstructions, enlarging power
to the Trustees, &c. Ordered to be Printed. The House Oordered Mr. Atturney
Gen. to go to Bristola weeks time allowed.
A Letter was sent from Sir. John Lenthall, that diverse Prisoners mutined in opposing
his workmen and pulling down the wall then mending. The House laid it aside
Some Horse were drawn out to stop insurrections without. A woman was shot by
one of the Prison Officers, and another hurt.
The remainder of the monies for the forces going for Ireland, went this day from
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