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The moderate, Number 27, 9th-16th January 1649 E.538[15]

Numb. 27.
The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday January 9. to Tuesday January 16. 1649.
PRocrastination in Peril, is the Mother of ensuing Misery,
and Clem: Alexand: tells us, that delays oftenthnes bring
to pass, That he which should have died, kills him which
should have lived. This made a wiseman once to say. That
Reason many times desi[nl]reth execution of a thing, which thus
may not suffer to be done; not for that it is not just, but because
it is not followed. Besides, how frequent do we set an
hour to be the father of greatest mutability. Mens judgment,
and opinions, wavering in a moment. The Flatterer applies himself to time and
opportunity, let him swallow the Golden Pill, and let us observe its operation.
Its hard to blinde Suspition with a false colour, when Jealousie stands at the door
of an enemy: Yet would I not distrust any, without cause; neither be too credulous,
without proof: but rather make Suspition a Vertue, by holding an enemy at
my bosom. Wrederick the Emperor desired, That his Councellors would at the entering
in of his Court, lay aside all deceit and dissembling. And we reade that
Alexander could boast to Antipater, That his Garnment was outwardly white,
but lined with purple. Is there Latet Angus in Herba? Then Cave. But Silence is
a gift without peril, and a Treasure without an enemy: being more safety then
speech, when Enemies become the Auditors.
Westminster, Tuesday 9.
The great Complaints of Fishermen swim in the House this day, having no
shipping allowed to protect and to maintain that great trade; Pirates from Ireland
and elsewhere, making their daily prevs upon them, to the ruine of themselves, and
that great trade of the Nation. The consideration hereof, begets an Order for
four ships to be speedily set out for their relief: The care and expedition herein, is
referred to the Committee of the Navy, who are now more white then green.
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