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The moderate, Number 28, 16th-23rd January 1649 E.539[7]

The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday January 16. to Tuesday January 23.1649.
THe death of the wicked, is safety to the righteous; and that
Judg ought to be condemned, that executes not judgment
upon the person of the guilty. And though our Laws were
formerly like Spiders Webs, to catch the small flies, and let
the great ones go; yet shall we now finde that Justice will
run down like a mighty stream, and be as impartially executed
on him that sits on the Throne, as he on the Dunghil.
Upon this score, the great Court-Fly of the Nation, is this
week flown from windsor to London, in order to His Tryal in westminster-Hall.
To the Honorable, the commons of England assembled in Parliament:
The bumble Petition of the commons of the City of London Common-councel
THat seriously weighing those unspeakable, toyls, difficulties, dangers, and temptations,
in every kinde, wherewith you have been hotly assaulted for many years
together; by the powerful influence whereof, many great pretenders to the publiks
interest have been wrought off from the same: And withal, considering that all
these, notwithstanding you have stood like a mighty Rock, firm and constant to
your Trust; and are now acting after such a Rate as our dead hopes break forth
with triumph from their Graves: We cannot but with inlarged hearts bless the God
of Heaven for you, and (if it were possible) in the hearing of the whole world,
proclaim our thankfulness to you for the same.
And appreheding, That the Non-Execution of Justice, the Instructing of the
Militia, and Navy in the hands of Neutralists, unfaithful, and dis-affected Persons;
the great decay of Trade, the protecting of many mens Persons and Estates from
the due course of Law, and the unsettled condition of this Nation, are some of the
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