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The moderate, Number 29, 23rd-30th January 1649 E.540[20]

The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday January 23. to Tuesday January 30. 1649.
THe Blood of the Innocent, cryes for the Blood of the Nocent,
and Justice now giving attension, pronounces
Sentence answerable to the Treason, God being, no
respecter of persons: The Law likewise admits of no
Exceptions; which if it should, yet ought not to be
obeyed, as partial and unjust. Upon this ground, certain
Images of Judges in Athens were crected, and pourtrayed,
without hands or eyes; intimating, That Justice should
be neither corrupted with Bribes, nor partial in Sentence
to any Personage, of what quality soever. This made Augustine to say. That Kings
were in accusation the worst of Creatures, because they once had power to do
more good then any, and perchance all others: Notwithstanding, we now see
Fools weep, when Traytors are condemned, as pittying the fall of Honor: But
I say, Let the High Praises of God be in the Mouth of all his Saints, and a two-edged
Sword in their hand, to execute vengeance upon the Heathen, and punishments
upon the People. To binde their Kings with chains, and them Nobles with setters of
iron, and to execute upon them the judgements written; For this honor have all the
A Warrant was concluded on by the Army, to be sent to all the Regiments
thereof, which take at large.
YOur are upon sight hereof, to give strict Command to the severall
Companies of your Regiment, in, or about London, That the Officers
do keep close to their Changes, and the Souldiers to their Duties respectively;
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