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The moderate, Number 45, 15th-22nd May 1649 E.556[3]

from his Excellency, of surprizing some of the Revellers at Rurford) ordered 100li.
For his paines, and 50 li. for his good services, to buy him a horse; A great reward
indeed! and did not the good newes deserve it? Captaine Batten, late Governor of
Holy Island (displaced by Sir Arthur Hasetling) the matter of fact against him reported
to the House, who being satisfied therewith, approved of what Sir Arthur had
done therein. The businesse concerning the dreyning the Fenns in severall Counties.
to be reported tomorrow, if other occasions prevent not. Friday 18.
The House unexpectedly fell upon debate of the Act forsetling several Courts
in the Nation. For probate of Wills, Administrations, Divorce, Marriage &c.
The debate hereupon was long, after the reading of that Act, as much was done
therein, as was expected (the Act it self being ordered to be rejected) and another
to be brought in according to the then sense of the House, by a Committee named
for that purpose, Who may be two yeers in perfecting thereof, as the former committee
was in this; in all which time past, and for future proceeds hereupon concerning
Administrations, Marriage, &c. have, and will be in many respects irregular, but
I have not say illegal. And that the godly people of this Nation should take notice
of the great care taken for maintenance and support of the Orthodox Divines of
this Nation (who are Jure Divine, and therefore cannot preach either Episcopal
Errors, or Sion Colledg Blasphemies, or Heresies, or any other doctrine tending to
Sedition against the Parliament or Army.) The House was pleased to spend some
time in debate, Whether it should be referred to the same Committee, to draw up
something in that Act, for enjoyning all people to pay the old accustomed, slavish,
tyrannical, and arbitrary Imposition of Tithes to their Ministers(though they be in
to capacity outward or inward, fit for that Office) onely that the late Bishops and
Presbyters were by bribery or savor inclined to give them formal orders, not so
much to preach, but to receive the twins of every mans estate (which interest they
might lawfully claim, in being Jure Divine, but if Jure Hum[unr], could not)
The House was divided hereupon, whether the question should be put, and it was
carried in the affirmative; but upon a second debate(seconde congit[unr] liones)
the main Question being put, it was resolved in the negative. Ah but saith the
Orthodox Divines, we shall requite you for this in time; for pretend what designe
so ever you will, either against the Malignants, presbyters, Levellers, or
Irish Rebels, we are resolved to preach Hell and Damnation to all people that shall
joyn with you, in all or any of them, till you have given us our Tithes (alias god)
again. Have we preached up your cause for eight years together and do you require
us so well at last, to free the free people from this sla[unr] imposition? do
you discover
our nakedness, and lay open the fallacies, and cheats of our predecessors, and
make us onely of humane, and not Divine Right and Institution, whereby the
people will be no longer deluded by our moral, ca[unr]nal, and political Sermons,
tending to private designes, National quarrels, and self-interest, covered over
and beautified with some examples and Texas of Scripture; which though we wrest
to our own sense and present designe, yet the people are so simple and blinde,
that they cannot discern it; And have they not from hence been ever, and still
are deceived by us? Well see how this will prosper, say they; for when the Peoples
eyes are opened, you may be in as sad a condition, as our selves; For our parts,
we never knew a rich Common wealth good, either for Gentry or Clergy, where
the common people were either rich or wise; but if both they will never endure to
be slaves, as they have been since the Conquest, nor longer be deluded with our
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