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The moderate, Number 56, 31st July-7th August 1649 E.568[9]

An Act for continuing the Assessment of Ninety thousand pounds per Mensen for Three
Moneths longer; viz. From the 29 of September, 1649. to the 29 of December
WHereas by Act of Parliament of the Seventh of April last, the sum of Ninty
thousand pounds per mensem was appointed for the maintenance of the Forces
raised by Authority of Parliament for the service of England and Ireland for Six
moneths, from the five and twentieth of March last, one thousand six hundred forty
nine, to the nine and twentieth of September next ensuing; which said sum (to the
end the present Service might not be retarded, nor the Countries oppressed by
Freequarter.) the Parliament did Enact and Ordain should be assessed and levied
in maner hereafter mentioned; (viz.) The first three Moneths thereof from the
five and twentieth of March to the four and twentieth of June then following, according
to the ancient and usual way held in Rates upon the respective Counties
and places mentioned in the said Act: But finding much inequality in that way of
proportioning the former assessments of the Army upon severall divisions. Townes
and places, to the obstructing and retarding the getting in thereof did there upon
Enact, that the latter three moneths of the said six Monethes assessment (viz) From
the four and twentieth of June, to the nine and twentieth of September ensuing,
should be assessed and collected after the way of a pound rate, being the most equal
way of assessing: Now to the end that provision may be timely made for the said
forces, and that thereby freequarter may be effectually prevented, be it Enacted by
this present Parliament, and it is hereby Enacted by the authority of the same, That
the said assessment of Ninety thousand pounds shall ensure and be continued for
three moneths longer (viz.) From the nine and twentieth of September, One thousand
six hundred forty nine, to the nine and twentieth or December next ensuing;
and that the same be at once levied, assessed and paid according to the proportions
in the latter three moneths laid upon the several counties, Cities and places mentioned
in the said Act of the Seventh of April last. And be it further Enacted
by the authority aforesaid, that the persons in the said Act named and all other
persons since nominated Commissioners by any additional Act or Order of Parliament,
shall be Commissioners for the several and respective Counties, Cities
and places, for which by the said Acts or Orders they are appointed; and to exercise
all and every the powers and authorities by the said Act given, limited and
appointed, to all intents and purposes, as if the said Act had continued for nine
moneths, from the said Seventh of April, to the nine and twentieth of December
following. And be it uther acted by the authority aforesaid, that if the way of
assessing by a pound rate prescribed by the former act shall prove any way obstructive
to the bringing in of this three Moneths assessment, according to the prepurtions
set downe in the Act of he Seventh of April, for the last three mon[unr]ths thereof,
That then the respective Commissioners in any of the said Counties mentioned
in the said Act, where such obstruction shall be found in any Divisions, Townes,
Hundreds, of any other places in any of the Counties mentioned in the said Act,
may and are hereby authorized to proceed according to the ancient and usual wayes
there held in Rates for the more effectual bringing in of this said three Moneths
Dv Mercurii, 1 Augusti, 1649.
ORdered by the commons in Parliament assembled, That this Act be forthwith printed
and published.
Hen: Sunbell, cleris. Parliament.
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