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The moderate, Number 57, 7th-14th August 1649 E.569[9]

The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday August 7. to Tuesday August 14. 1649.
PEace is the end of War: Ease, Freedom, and good
Government, being the grounds of every Martial Engagement;
which if it produce not after Conquest,
the ends thereof become siustrate; and the people by
lots of all their blood and treasure therein, purchase to
themselves nothing but shame, poverty, and oppression;
and not onely so, but perchance a lost condition. For
when Self seizes upon the Bowels of a Republike,
his greedy Appetite is never satisfied till all be devoured.
And as it is Impossible to avoid War, when private
Interest is maintained, so it is improbable to gain Love, when wel being, case,
and happiness of a people is neglected. For all powers being inferior to the majesty
of the people (for whose good, they themselves have, or ought to have, ordained
them) must be subject to their Censure, if once imployed against them.
August 7.
An Act for Transportation of Pepper, and other Spices out of the Nation
(uncleansed, and ungaibled) committed.
A Declaration for fetling the Presbyterian Government, reported, and upon
the Question (by one casting voyce) ordered to be committed to the same committee
that brought it in, who were to review the Books for Presbytery, and consider
of this Declaration, and the Debates there upon, and bring it in again with
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