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The moderate, Number 56, 31st July-7th August 1649 E.568[9]

An Act giving power to the committee of Indempnity to transmit the Examination of all
such Articles or Informations as shall be exhibited to them against any Malignant or
Delinquent Magistrates, or other ill affected Officers, to Justices of Peace in the serval
BE it Enacted and ordained, and it is Enacted and Ordained by authority of this
present Parliament, that the Committee of Parliament for Indempnity, or any
five or more of them have power, and are here by authorized to transmit to any
two or more Justices of the Peace in the respective Counties, Cities or Corporations
of England and Wales, all or any such Articles or Informations as shall be exhibited
to them against any Malignant or Delinquent Magistrate, or other Officer
or Officers within the said County, or within any Borough or Town Corporate
therein according to an Ordinance of Parliament in that behalf made, bearing
date the day of which two or more Justices of Peace are
hereby impowered and required to send for such witness or witnesses as shall be
desired, as well against, as on the behalf of such Delinquents or ill-affected officer,
and them upon Oath to examine, concerning the truth of all any of the said
Articles; which Oath the said two or more Justices of Peace are hereby likewise
authorized to administer, and to return the same, together with the said Articles
or Informations, to the said Committee of Indempnity sealed up; and also if any
person or persons shall hereafter be used, indicted, or molested, for or concerning
any Act or thing done by him by authority, or for the service of the Parliament,
or during his or their being in armes for the Parliament, contrary to several
Ordinances in that behalf made; That in such case, upon complaint
made, and stating the case, by Petition, to any two or more Justices, The said
Justices, or any two or more of them, shall have power, and are hereby authorized
and required to send for such witnesses (as are desired) as well against, as
on the behalf of the person or persons complained of, and them upon Oath to examine
(which Oath the said Justices, or any two or more of them are authorized
likewise to administer) and in case they cannot compose the said difference, then to
return the said several and respective Depositions so taken, and Petition (sealed up)
to the said Committee of Indempnity, who are authorized and required to proceed
to give judgment, and make further proceeding upon the same, and upon the Depositions
concerning ill affected Officers, as aforesaid, according to the respective
powers given them by this, or any other Ordinance of Parliament for that purpose.
Die Veneris, 3 August, 1649.
ORdered by the commons in Parliament assembled, That this Act be forthwith Printed
and Published.
Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.
Dantzick July 16.
We have the confirmation of a second defeat given to the Cosacks by the Lord
Bandskranski, who hath shin of them, and taken prisoners about 5000 having gained
good store of horses, 126 Corners and Ensigns, some pieces of Ordnance, with
great store of ammunition: yet the great preparations which are made by General
chmielhiskis, who intends to seek a revenge from this great losse, chi[unr]fly since hee
hath lately had notice of a strong supply he is to receive of the Tattars, as also from
Russia, which they write will be above 100000 men; all this considered, hath obliged
the King of Poland to quarter in a very advantagious post, beneath Suslan,
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