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The moderate, Number 57, 7th-14th August 1649 E.569[9]

his own judgment, endevor thereby to advance the English Interest and therefore
not to be further questioned for the same. And for, satisfying all parties therein
the said Reports, Votes, Questions, and Answers, were all ordered to be
The business concerning the Excite, to be reported next Tuesday; till when, they
adjourned according to former Order.
Stockholm, July 20.
The last week was celebrated the Espousals of the Prince Palatine, Adolphus John,
and the daughter of the Lord Steward, where was present the Queen of Sweden;
among other pastimes, the running of the Tilt was exercised till eleven in the
night, the yong Sirs, Gustvus soop, and Roger wiesenbausen with Stierschielt,
getting the honor of the rest, having gotten the three prises of great value: the
Queen hath bestowed upon each of them a Ring of great Value. The second instant
their Majesties went from hence to Sehuartzser, where the Queen Dowager
intends to be the rest of the Summer; but the Queen returned again the next day,
having been employed since her return about disparches for the Embassadors: those
of the great Duke of Muscovia are here yet, being entertained at the cost and charges
of her Majesty, who hath had much trouble to give them content, although
they had all the honours and royall entertainment that they could desire.
Dantzick, July 23
Some few dayes since is passed through this City a Poland Embassador going
for Swethland. The News hold still that the Tartars, with an Army of about sixty
thousand man, have lately made an irruptlon in the Kingdom of Poland, where
they have done much hurt, in spoiling and wasting the Country, who intend to
joyn with Chmiclniski, General of the Cosacks who is so much incensed against
the Polish, since the last defeat given by the Lord Lands Cranski to the Boors neer
him, and to make all out of hopes of any agreements, or way of reconciliation, he
hath cut off the head of the King of Polands Agent, and some other Gent. taken
prisoners. The Cosacks are still encamped near the Boristhene, but have not made
any inrodes lately into the Country, which nevertheless suffers in a deep measure
by the often breaking in of the Boors, although many times they come by the worst,
the Kings forces having lately gained from them eleven colours, who were presented
to his Majesty, together with many prisoners, with whom is their Generals son,
being taken at the surprisall of Oppolowa his Majesty is now in his march towards
his Army, where he intends to be very speedily, which Army was forced to march
back some dayes to meet with some new levied forces which otherwise durst not
advance. There is news come of the death of the grand Signior Emperor of the
Turks, and that the great Kam of the Tartars is raising a might Army, intending
to obtain the Empire, which he pretends by right to belong unto him.
Naples, July 24.
The fourth instant our Vice-King had a Comedy acted before him, wherein was
represented the miseries and calamities which are procured by a civill war, and the
great benefit which is reaped by peace and tranquillity, and all under the shadow of
Poeticall Fictions,; to this was invited our Archbishop, the Popes Nuntio, with
all the Princes, Nobility and Gentry, of this Court, it but had a Tragicall end, for
ere the week was expired, severall persons were executed, and among them Monsier
Fabroni Secretary to the Duke of Guise, who being arrived in Spain, hath been
carried prisoner into the castle of Escicha, where he is used with all respect and civility,
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