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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 300, 23rd-30th April 1649 E.529[26]

Numb. 300
A Perfect Diurnall
And the daily Proceedings of the Army under his Excellency
the Lord Fairfax
From Munday April 23. to Munday April 30.1949
collected for the Satisfaction of Such as desire to be truly informed
Printed by E.G. and F.L. For Francis Coles and Laurence Blaicklecke: And are
to be sold at their shops in the Old-Baily, and at Temple-Bar.
Beginning April 23.
This Day the Act with the Amendments for setting
poor people on work, and punishing of vagrants
and Vagabonds (according to severall former Statutes
were read and re-committed. An Act also
for punishing criminall matters by the Court of
Admiralty Past.
The Act for repealing the former Act for Observation
of a monethly Fast in this Nation, and requiring
such dayes to be kept as dayes of Humiliation,
as hereafter should be appointed by speciall order
of Parliament assented unto and is as followeth.
Whereas by a Proclamation on the eight of January in the seventeenth
year of the late King, a generall, publique and solemn fast was appointed
to be kept and holden, as well by abstinence from food, as by publike
prayers , hearing of the world of God, and other sacred dutyes in England and
wales, on the last Wednesday of the moneth of February then next folowing,
and form thenceforth to continue during the troubles in the Kingdome of
Ireland, which was strictly commanded to be observed upon pain of punishments
to be insticted upon al such as should contemn or neglect so religious
a work: And whereas severall Ordinances or Orders of Parliament have
since been made for the holding and observing of the said Fast on the same
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