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A perfect diurnall of some passages, Number 311, 9th-16th July 1649 E.531[22]

upon Deane and Chapters Lands, with the 1000 l. formerly voted him by a Committee
for good service done by him in Holland, at the beginning of these troubles.
S r Edward ford ordered to be admitted to compound upon the Articles of Oxen.
Orders passed concerning a Petition presented by the Earl of Worcesters daughters,
and the Lady Morden and others.
The house upon a Petition against such as have oppressed the people by Monopolies,
The house referred it, to a Committee to examine the particulars, expressed in
the said Petition, and to report to the House.
The house spent some time about an Act against Ministers, that in their Pulpits
promote the late Kings Children against the present government in England, Or
refuse to observe the Fast dayes appointed by Parliament, or to obey the orders of
Parliament; upon which the house passed severall Votes. And that the Kingdom
may take better notice hereof, we will give you the Votes of the House as to this
businesse at large
Resolved &c.
1 That if any Minister Shall directly or indirectly preach, or publiquely pray against the
Power, Authority, or Proceedings of this present Parliament, or against the present Government
established by authority thereof.
2. Or shall directly or indirectly, in preaching or paying, make mention of Charles
Stuart, or James Stuart, sons to the late King, who by judgment of Parliament are declared
Enemies, and Stand excepted from pardon, Otherwise then as the enemies to this Common
wealth; or shall under the name of the Royall Issue or otherwise, promove any Titl e or Interest
taken away, or declared against by authority of this Parliament, to the prejudice of this present Government.
3. Or shall not keep and observe dayes of publlique Humiliation or Thanksgiving, appointed,
or to be appointed by Authority of Parliament; Or shall not publish the Acts, Orders, or
Declarations of Parliament, being enjoyned and directed thereunto by authority of the same,
having due notice thereof, without reasonable cause to the contrary shewed, shall be demand
taken and adjudged Delinquents, and within the respective Orders, Ordinances, and Acts
touching Sequestration, as to their Ecclesiasticall Benefices and Stipends.
And that in all such cases, the Committee of Parliament for plundred Ministers, and all
other committees, or commissioners for Sequestration in the respective Counties and places
throughout this Common wealth, shall have power, and are hereby authorized and enjoyned
to take cognizance thereof, and effectually to proceed thereupon accordingly.
Letters came this day that Co! Walton with some bold Malignanta had Proclaimed
the Prince by the name of King Charles the second, & C. at Preston in Lancashire
openly at the Market crosse, and none opposing.
From Barwick say the Letters this day, the newes from Scotland is still in away of
privacy, what ever is talked of is not much to be heeded until they come to Act.
The Earl of Castles is come againe to Parliament. It's written from Holland, that
were the Scots Commissioners now with their declared King, they might have
faller Satisfaction, then they had; and when they are ready to defend themselves,
you will hear they have what they desire: the reason of a nonsatisfaction the royall
Party give, it, the Scots Commissioners had not plenipotency to determine which
is rarely done. The Committee of Lords, Barons, and Burghers, sit about raising
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