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Mercurius elencticus, Number 16, 6th-13th August 1649 E.569[3]

Numb. 16.
Mercurius Elencticus.
Communicating the unparralell'd Proceedings of the Rebbels
at West-minster, and the Head quarters, discovering
their Designes, reproving their Crimes, and advising the
From Monday Aug. 6. to Monday, Aug. 13. 1649.
- Ridentem dicere [unr] vei[unr]
Quid Vitat?
In Wales king-Noll as yet remaines,
So Humble and so Mccke,
'T is fear'd his Legislative-Braines,
Like's Souldiers, are to Seeke.
Recruits are small his hopes are lesse:
No thoughts of transportation;
Hee's fitter for a Wildernesse
Then to Invade a Nation.
Rathfarnam, Trim, the Roy'lists have
And Lowzy-Hill's burnt downe:
Sad Omens to that Lowzy-knave
who aim'd at Irelands-Crowne.
Mee-thinks I heare a Parley beat
In Dublin : If it bee,
Then welcom-CHARLES-the-Second-Great,
T'one Kingdom of thy Three.
YOU May bee pleased to remember how some weekes agon I
gave caution of three Treacherous knaves Varney, Thomson, and
Holt: Since which all of them have used their utmost to betray me
(as they have done many more) into the hands of the Regicides. And
indeede from Varney and his Comrade (declared Enemies to the King
and his Party) I never expected other, and accordingly I fortified against
them. Yet I am not so fully informed concerning Thomson, as I desire,
whereby to make him knowne what hee is, as I hope to doe e're it bee
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