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Mercurius elencticus, Number 17, 13th-20th August 1649 E.571[1]

Numb. 17.
Mercurius Elencticus.
Communicating the unparralell'd Proceedings of the Rebbels
at West-minster, and the Head-quarters, discovering
their Designes, reproving their Crimes, and advising the
From Monday Aug. 13. to Monday, Aug. 20. 1649.
- Ridentem dicere verum
Quid vetat?
No Noll in Ireland yet, nor hopes
of Interest there; unlesse
It bee in stately Trees and Ropes,
or Owen Roe's Distresse.
For that's most like; since he must Yeild
Comply, or Madly Run
The Hazards of a desperat-Feild,
Now Monck and Hee have done.
Nor is the Dublin-Victory such
As boasted of by Jones:
T was not without a handsom Touch,
Ev'n of the holy-Ones.
Ormond's Entire, no Totall-Rout,
But Dublin statu quo,
With twenty thousand Horse and Foote
Before it is no moe.
I Presume it is understood my Intilligence periods every Saturday;
and therefore it could not bee expected I should say any thing
in my last touching that great Victory they have ever since boasted of,
till now their Lungs are weary, as all rationall men are, in reading
the no lesse Ridiculous then repugnant stories published every day since
to animate the Souldiery Designed against Ireland. But anon I doubt
not but to give you a true and perfect account of all, whereby you will
find that Ormond is not Routed nor so many of his men slain and taken,
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