Sign in
Mercurius elencticus, Number 17, 13th-20th August 1649 E.571[1]

Honour and Cause of the King, with granting Commissions to Raise
(or at least wise Countenancing) the Irish Rebellion, whilst themselves
were the only men guilty thereof, as they might easily perceive by those
Papers; a true Copie whereof I hope to receive and Publish e're long
to satisfie the present Age and Posterity, how wickedly and unjustly
they dealt with the Murthered King, as to that particular of siding with
the Irish.
But whatsoever hopes they had by joyning with the Irish it seemes
the Scots resolve to stand upon their owne Legges, if what the Kirkmen
say bee the sense of that Kingdome: for now they have published
a Remonstrance and Declaration in the name of the Generall Assembley;
wherein they not only Inveigh against the prevailing Sectaries in England,
who (say they) have broken the Covenant and despised the Oath
of God, corrupted the Truth, and subverted the Fundamentall Government
by King and Parliament, taken away the Kings Life;
and now looke upon them as those who stand in the way of their Monstrous
and new-fangled Devises in Religion and Government:
But also disclaime the proceedings of the Marquesse of Ormond, the
Lord Inchequeene, the Lord of Ardes, and Sir George Monroe, for
entering into a Peace and Association with the Roman Catholiques, with
intent (as they say) to carry on the old Designes of the Popish Prelaticall,
and Malignant Party, having (and that's the thing afflicts them)
brought the Province of Ulster and Garrisons therein, under their
Power and Command, and Redacted their Countreymen to many
Miseries and Straits, and are like to banish the Kirk-men thence, and
to returne those faire foundations, which were unto them a branch of
hope, that the Lord meant to make Ireland flow with Milke and Honey,
to glut a Seditious Tribe of Rammish, Louzie, and dissembling
And although they boast of their tender respect to his Majesty who
now Reignes, testified (as they tell us) by their Letters written to him
whilest his Father was yet living, and (with all solemnity) Proclaming
him King of these Kingdomes; and sending Commissioners to Him, to
expresse their affections to Monarchy, and his Majesties Person and Government
(both which they would betray for another 200000 l.) together
with their desires concerning the security of Religion (such a one as the
Scotts Kirk-men shall cut out and prescribe Him) yet because (as they
pretend) the councells of the Malignant (that is the Loyall) Party had
so great influence upon his Majesty; His Answeres are not only not satisfactory
(no more were his Fathers, till His Head was off,) but short
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