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Mercurius elencticus, Number 24, 8th-15th October 1649 E.575[19]

Numb. 24
Mercurius Elencticus
Communicating the unparralell'd Proceedings of the Rebbels
at West-minster, and the Head-quarters, discovering
their Designes, reproving their Crimes, and advising the
From Monday Octo. 8. to Monday, Octob. 15. 1649
Ridentem dicere verum
Quid vetat?
Sure all's not lost: If so; not Wonne:
One Irish-trick remaines,
Which e're the Irish-Game bee done
Sweepes Stake, and Stock of Braines.
The Conquering Tyrant never winnes
So much by Cruell-deede,
As gentle-usage: nor lesse Sinnes
Then when his Foe least Bleedes.
If this bee so: in what Sweete Case
Stand Cromwell and his Crew,
Who Spare nor good nor gallant-Face,
Not Christian more then Jew?
Oneale ! Goe on, 'tis given to thee
For to Revenge their Blood:
Restore thy Nations Liberty!
"God sees and saies 'tis good.
THE Act (Falsely so Stiled ) against (Such as the Saints are pleased
to call) scandalous and seditious Bookes and Pamphlets, hath beene
put so diligently in exequution, by the States Blood-hounds, that the
last weeke I had enough to doe in secureing my selfe from their hungry
Jawes, and could not so oportunely apeare as formerly; in which respect
I chuse rather not to bee seene at all. Which discontinuance yet
not a little agrieved mee, because a timely solution of those letters of the
twentieth and two-and-twentieth of September that spoke Tredagh
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