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Mercurius elencticus, Number 25, 15th-22nd October 1649 E.575[27]

Numb. 25
Mercurius Elencticus.
Communicating the Unparralell'd Proceedings of the Rebbels
at West-minster, and the Head-quarters, discovering
their Designes, reproving their Crimes, and advising the
From Monday Octo. 15. to Monday, Octob. 22. 1649.
Reidentem dicere verum
Quid ustat?
Great Crumwell Routed! Can it bee?
Hath Heaven his Cause forsaken?
Hath one sound Blow set Ireland free,
And the bold-Senate shaken?
Yet will nor feare nor love prevaile,
Upon their Flintie hearts;
Nor Reason teach them they may faile
Of their most damned Arts.
Hence Reprobates! and let them dy
Accurs', as they were borne:
Abhorr'd by Prince and Peasantry,
All future Ages scorne.
Let all their wrickling Projects cease,
Whil'st CHARLES shall beare the Sway;
For Hee alone brings Englands Peace
with His Cronation-day.
No Perfect Diurnall,no Moderate, no weekely-Intelligencer, no
weekely-Account, no Moderate-Intelligencer, no Occrurences, no
Faithfull-Scout, no Modest-Narrative : All wasted away by the
breath of Jack; Bradshaw, and only A Briese Relation of some Affaires
and Transactions Civill and Military, Forraigne and Domestique tolerated:
And that Licensed by Long Gualter, Secretary to the Councell of
Coxcombs, according to the direction of the Regicides, that so the People
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