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Mercurius elencticus, Number 25, 15th-22nd October 1649 E.575[27]

shire womens reputation : but are they not valiant think you that are
afraid of womens Designes? But heare how hee threatens them : they
weave (faith hee) the spiders web, but a stronger Toyle is ready for them
if their discretion prevent it not : (have a care lasses, else the Saints will
fetter you : Yet (hee faith) 'tis hoped none that are modest, or not of a
prophligate (blesse mee! is that a man or a woman, for I find it not in
the English Dictionary) and desperate Reputation, will adde to the
Musters of those spechators of naked Races: (certainly this mans Wife; or
wenchlives in Derbishire hee exhorts so zealously against naked-Races.)
But if you will know the naked Truth of all this story, it is this:
The Miners in that County, together with some others justly discontented
by reason of their many present oppressions, and the servitude
and Bondage threatned them through the avarice and ambition of the
present Tyrants, have had severall meetings, and with Resolution to
put themselves into a posture of warre, to purchase their Freedome:
wherein they have not, as yet, beene interrupted, nor doe they lesse intend,
the same then formerly, being at the least 8000. listed for that purpose,
the most of them armed, and all in readynesse to maintaine their
owne Liberties, and Resist any Power to bee sent against them. And
thus much I am desired (by some of that Party) to informe the Kingdome,
that those who think themselves any waies concerned therein
may timely repaire to (upon the first Alarme of suppressing) them:
and withall to let them know their Motto is,
For King, Religion, Law, and Libertie,
'Gainst all Unsurpers and their Tyrannie.
The next thing our Historiographer takes notice of is a Petty Insurrection
at Cobham in Surcey, by the Planters of Parsnips and Carrats, &c. to
suppresse whom, he faith there is such Order taken, that there is not like to
be any further trouble with them; their Intentions being to Indict and fine
them at the Sessions, &c. Perhaps to as much purpose as they did those at
Kingston : However for the present these Surrey-diggers carry on their
Designe, in spight both of Justices and Constables, and say; That as the
Parliament have voted a new Common-wealth, they thereby under stand
they meant a Community in all things, and that they should share with the
rest of the sonnes of Adam, the Wealth and Riches of the Nation, and no one
to challenge a Proprietie therein more then another. And that if they intend
otherwise they are Tyrants and Usurpers, and ought to be rooted out from
off the face of the Earth; with much more to this purpose, which being
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