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Mercurius pragmaticus, Number 51, 17th-24th April 1649 E.551[19]

Numb. 51
Communicating Intelligence from all Parts,
touching all Affaires, Designes, Humours and
Conditions throughout the Kingdome.
Especially from Westminster, and the Head-Quarters.
From Tuesday Aprill, 17. to Tuesday Aprill, 14. 1649.
The trayterous-Saints doe stinks with feare,
Since Francs and Spayne's agreed;
And PEMBROKE doth God dam him sweare,
His brethren all must bleed.
Then are you mad why don't you Run?
What are you blind I trow?
Doe you not see the * Rising Sun? *K. Charles.
Preparing your o're-throw.
Neptune and Tyton ready stand,
I'transport him where hee please;
And th'other Gods at his Command,
Will guard him on the Seas.
PEMBROKE'S God dam him, then no doubt,
And's yausing Throat must bee;
Put in a noose with fiery Snout,
And hang'd upon a Tree.---
------ --- Nemo me impune Lacessie.
LOoke looke. Royalists the time wheeles about, Phaeton drives the
Chariot, and Rebellion is neere a fall: Treason, and Treachery, begin
to link under the line of Loyal y; and the incongruous actions of rebellions
Teran[unr] workes their destruction, fate brings aspyrers to confusion,
and Pryde, must into the Pit, and then I pray where will our blessed
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