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Mercurius pragmaticus, Number 51, 17th-24th April 1649 E.551[19]

Parliament he, when the cheife Ring leader of Rebellion is drownd in
oblivion; which now is in probability and doubtlesse will worke a future
happinesse for Loyalty and Honesty. Doe but looke fu ly in the face
of this ancient Monster (Pride) and you shall see diperre attending
him; for that is a thing ordinary and very remarkable; do you observe
when there is an ab[unr]tement in h will of Pride; and that the parties
instigated by that Disboticall vice. sayle of the thing they ayme at, the
consequent sin is dispayre which immediatly so lowes in the neck and
that is the efficient cause which promotes destruction to the proud authours
of Rebellion; whose aspiring ambitious mynds, are not satiared
without Kingly-diadems; they being the Devills Agents on Earth,
and like the Apostate-Angells in Heaven, do perswade themselves (being
promoted by a spirit of presumption) that they equalize the highest,
and are inlightned with a divine spirit of Revelation, which is no other
then the blind suggestions, of the sub ill feind; who with his willy
serpentine inventions, w[unr]deth them in to do wickediy, and prompts
them to disobedience, as he did our forefather Adam; assuring them still
more knowledge, untill he have plung'd them into a Chaos of irrecoverable
errors which brings upon them whole stormes of misery, from
whence no Evasiens, slights, nor subtill-pleadings, of Traytors sophistry
can free them, or in the left deliver their black soules from the ravening
claspes of infernall furies, whose grim talents are ever ready to snatch
away to perdition those earthly Imps of Iniquity, who sement their buildings
with the blood of Majesty, and ascertain themselves of Terrestriall
happinesse, by the abollishion of Monarchy. Such are our Canniball cutthrotes
at Westminster, who have (and still do) well act their upon the
English Theater; that in degree of Pride, and aspiring presumption they
are not much infearior if not wholy to be compared, to Lucifer, and
his Apostate confederate complices: who envie God, and were ambitious
to become greater then their maker. But the power of the Almighty
prooved their fatall condemnation, to the yeere of eternity, where bells
black Horrour for their ambition, is their constant attendant, and they
have the injoyment of the worme which never dyeth but workes perpetuall,
miserable afflictions, and incomparable incomprehensible torments
upon them. But this miserable example, hath no impression in
the hearts of Westminster Traytors, and by reason they have a little success
they doe not remember the saving of lob 12. 6. The Tabernacles
of Robbers prosper, they provoke God and live secure; God bringing
into their hands abundantly. No they call themselves Saynts, the elec
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