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Mercurius pragmaticus, Number 51, 17th-24th April 1649 E.551[19]

and chosen People, which are to build up a new Jerusalem. But I say
the founder on is layd in blood of Kings, and Subjects, and the builders
are deeper dy'd in murther then cursed Caine. Therefore though these
tyrannicall usurping Traytors have or doe prosper for a time, wee may
be ascertained that Go[unr] by the mouth of his Prophets spoke nothing but
truth, and in their Scriptures we find many Cominations of Judgements
upon. Murtherers, and blood-spillers, and how soone the divine 'Providence
will put them in execution : It is not for us to seeke into but
leave it to his Omnipotent well; who when hee pleases can convert or
con[unr]found his enemies, and raine Snares upon the workers of Iniquity,
and sweepe them from the face of the earth not leaving so much as a
memory of their habitations, or with the gusts of his wrath blow such internall
Locusts into the red Sea of Ruine, or else to make them parish
with Lex talionis, which is ---
As may in Genesis bee plainly read,
Who spills mans Blood, his blood by man s'be shed.
Oh, alas! If blood bee so heavie a burthen for the Shedders of it, and
so much hastening Gods vengeance upon the Authors of such Scarlet
Dreames. Then what may we thinke of this inhumane Traytrous Conventicle
of Parliament, how much blood of innocents have they savagely
barbarously spilt? yes, even the most heaven-piercing Butcheries
that ever were perpetrated by any people (J meane) the murther of our
late famous King of happie memory, who was made a Sacrifice to the
just of tyrannic having his innocent blood besprinkled upon the earth,
by these Scelestick and cruell Catives, who Judged, Condemned, and Executed
the glorious bright shining Sun of this now darkned and desolate
Nation. Nay, the innumerable numbers of loyall Branches, who
have both since and before the death of the late KING been inviolated
for the cause of Christ and their King, and whose sufferings have
crowned their Actions with fame and immortall Glory, whilest their
barbarous Judges and Executioners are clad with shame, ignominy, and
rebuke both of GOD and Man. As in visible by the Justice of God alre[unr]d[unr]
past upon some of their owne faction (who were chiefe Promoters
of Rebellion) as a reward due to them for their Pristine proceedings
against their Sovera gne. Of this number wee may reckon up
the succe sse of many who dy d in Infamy and rot in oblivion. As for the
Hoth[unr] [unr]arey &c. and now what is probable upon Waller, and intended
against Browne, Clotweriby, &c. who have been the maine Engines
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