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Mercurius pragmaticus, Number 52, 24th April-1st May 1649 E.552[16]

For [unr] and I sea in hath Corrupt their bloods,
And they'le doe nothing for the Subjects goods.
Pure sport upon the word of a Gentleman, who can desire more then
the gallant free-borne Levellers have Low obtayned, viz. to have
whole Troopes of Amazons, who came in their warlike posture taking
hold of their Tayles in stead of their Targets, and marching with
confidence to encounter Tyrannie, and with abundance of courage exceeding
ordinary sort of Women, demanding high tearmes Freedome
for their Levelling Brethren, and as the Proverb goes of the
Female Sex, they make use their Tongues (as their best weapon)
against tyranny, and their Tayles for propagation of the new Saynted
This gallant Incounter being performed very magnanimously (by
the Female party) in behalfe of their brothers Lilburne, Larner, &c.
was (by the Prerogative dunghill Kings) taken into consideration and
layd aside not once looke into, the holy Sisters being all dismist without
any answer at present, which is as much to say, that the deare Brethren,
Lilburne, Larner, Overton, Bray, Walwin, Princes, ans Sayer,
are pickled up to bee made Sawsages on for the Councell of States owne
dyet. And 'tis likely this pretty loving salute of the Sisters may produce
something though not at present; for I'le assure you they are indifferently
warme in Johns cause, and did not abate Rebels one inch;
But told them they ruled in Tyrannie by the Martiall power, without all
colour of Law or Reason, saying, that with much Patience the Nation
had expected a long time to see Peace and a settlement, which they did
conceive was nor is ever likely to bee performed by them, who assume
a Power to inslave in stead of making Free and granting Liberty to the
People, and by setting up and promoting Self-interest, neglect the acting
any thing for the Publick good, yes even to execution of such
good Lawes and Statutes as are essentially pertaining to the Freedomes
of all this Nation, and from all Antiquity have been approved of by the
consent of all, as a necessary provision for the Peoples safeties both in
Person, goods, and estates. All which these blessed Shee. reformers sayd,
they had long wayted to see performed on the Parliaments part, whose
ingagements have ever been for the Peoples freedome and liberty, but
now those former Promises are become the very Executioners of the
greatest Tyrannies; yes, and even upon those who have been their
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