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Mercurius pragmaticus, Number 52, 24th April-1st May 1649 E.552[16]

closest friends, when they were in the greatest stra[unr]ts and exigencies.
West said brave Lasses, stand to your tackle, I am glad your eyes are
cleered so well that you can see, that Westminster is the Nest, store and
receptacle of Tyrants, Murtherers, and Cruell bloodthirsty men.
Therefore Sisters now you have found out where the fault lyeth
doe not leaue Rebells so, let them know what it is to Imprison your
holy Brethren; yes, and the very Capraynes of your faction too; who
have beene so much concerned and so deeply and desperatly ingaged
for the C-cause- But now are made Parliament store being powdred
up in their chiefe Magazine, where Noland his Rubi-nose faction
may prey upon them, and when they are dry may drinke the blood of
Levellers as it is very likely they will ere long.
Therefore all you good Lads who are for liberty of Codpiece, take
your P - in your hands presently, and joyne with the holy phla ---
of your Sisters, to prosecute earnestly the Freedomes of your Levelling
brethren and your owne brith-rights, with the State Commet
Nol fiery fare aymes so much to bereaue you of, and the tyme
intended against you, and the plot that will make you to suffer is the
reliefe of Ireland, for which is Nose-ship both so much pretend but
never intends anything, saue to raily together and rayse an Army of
his owne faction, with which hee doth intend to fall upon and subdue
such partyes as are on the lovelling opinion, and will not submit and
become Slaves to his aspyring ambitious will.
This is one of this State Machiavtls plots, under the colour of going
to Ireland, to raise an Army which will bee his Creatures and joyne
in bringing to execution all his Enemies, whereof hee takes the Levellers
to be the most considerable party now, in being.
This I was told by one of Snout's cabinet Councell, who little thought
me to bee the Author of Progmaticus. Then be wise, take this from
mee as a faire warning I say if you doe nothing but Petition, you will
prove that words are but wind and will worke you no good, but rather
provoke your Enemies more to hatred; therefore bee bold, act something,
there are Women enough to destroy Cromwell's Faction: And I
tell you Levellers, if you were my Brothers, I could give you no bettter
advice; then take it from mee and say, that once a Cavalier was your
Friends and gave you timely notice of an Evill threatened by your adversaries;
therefor leave Petitioning, draw your Swords, and try for
your freedomes, dispute them to the Chins in blood, rather then loose
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