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Mercurius pragmaticus, Number 52, 24th April-1st May 1649 E.552[16]

when they take their flight this Summer, from Westminster into some
new found Plantation, and for the advancing a convenient Sum speedely,
there is a mock-act to be brought in for the sale of Catholicks lands
allowing the Papists but one halfe, and that they must compound for
besides if they do intend to injoy it.
Once againe the levelling sisters drew up to a Randevous to westminster,
by reason their petition was not received, upon Munday the
House tooke it, and having perused it gave them answer by the Serjant
at Armes, which is in briefe, that the Parliament had formerly answered
their Husbands, wherewith the House did conceive they should
be satisfied and therefore bad them goe home and meddle with their
House-keeping, whereupon the Sisters departed not well pleased, but
however they held their tongues which was a wonder in their sex, but Ile
warrant you they paid it with thinking. And the whole levelling party
both male, and female, are now mounting a Declaration against Tyranny,
Oppression, and the arbytrary government of this pretended Parliaments,
and monstrous Caterpillers calld Councell of State, I am informed
such a thing is now in agitation and will be published very
Collonel Poyer was this day shot in Coven Garden. A fit reward for
all Traytors.
Still the Tragedy contineues and rather then sayle the Rabells will
Hang, Kill, and Sheet each other, for as the Sallamander cannot live
out of the fyre, so they cannot endure to row unlesse in streames of blood
for wanting Royalists to sacryfice, they excecute their owne Brethren;
for one Locker a Trooper, under Capt. Savags for demanding his pay,
was condemn'd to dye, and 4. more, but the 4. Were saved, and he was
shot in PaulsChurch - Yard on Friday Aprill, 27. if the Cavaliers can but
be quiet a little, by degrees Rebells will consume themselves at last.
Newes from St. Germans the 26 of Aprill, new stile, The Queene
of England is still there, that the French assure her of assistance of Men,
if our King will accept of them to helpe him to his Right.
The King and Councell of France have set out an Edict in all parts
of that Kingdome, strictly Commanding all English to depart within
Ten dayes, save such who are permitted by the Kings especiall protection,
which none but Cavaliers (of the English party) can obtaine;
for any of those who have served the Westminster Conventicle, will not
be tolerated to abide in that Kingdome. It seemes the King of France
doth not intend to make his Land a receptacle for Rebels.
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