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Mercurius politicus, Number 203, 27th April-4th May 1654 E.734[6]

From Copenhagen, April 9. S: N.
A Dispatch is come on here from Holland, bringing
news that those States had fully condiscended
to the Articles of the Lord Protector, concerning
the satisfaction for the English ships that
were detained here. This Court is glad that
the returning of the ships, Goods, and Guns, in
the condition they are in at present, is all that is
demanded of them (the Hollanders having engaged
to pay for the dammage) and are now very
confident shortly to understand the full conclusion
of Peace with England. It is said here, the
Prince Palatine who is to succeed the Queen of
Sweden in that Crown, is shortly to marry with
the Duke of Holsteins daughter; which is thought
will cause somewhat a more strict allyance between
the two Crowns of Denmark and Sweden, as
hath bin heretofore.
From Regensborgh, April 6. S: N.
The States have bin assembled about the departure
of his Imperiall Majesty, being appointed
on the 28 of this month, S.N: without faile;
to which end about 130 ships lye ready upon
the Donaw, to attend his Majesty and the Court.
The Swedish Ambassadors did in the said Assembly
highly protest against his Majesties so sudden
departure, alledging, That upon that account
the Instrumentum Pacis would not onely not be satisfied,
but rather in all particulars unreasonably
violated, and a more heavy and insupportable
burthen laid upon the almost languishing States
of the Empire. if at least his said Majesty were
not pleased most graciously to continue the Rixday
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