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Mercurius politicus, Number 405, 25th February-4th March 1658 E.748[18]

that they are for War, that he was wroth, threatening
heayily. Marquis de Villa Nova succeeds in
the place of the departed General Gonzago, to
act in Dalmatia, They say that General Barnardi
intends to demolish Trau and Spalatro, the better
to defend Dalmatia.
From Hamburgh, Feb. 15.
News in haste is brought that the Swedish entered
Fen, meeting with little opposition, that
General Guldenleuw was taken riding in his
coach, and four Danish Rix-Senators, 7 Danish
men of war frozen in, and it is thought that the
Swedes will find little opposition in Zealand.
From Paris, Feb. 28. S. N.
Don John is sending a sum of money into Germany
to raise men to serve in Flanders this next
Campagn, their great hope being that some Recruits
Will also be sent from the K. of Hungary.
The Spaniards are already minding the Affairs
of Catalonia and are fortifying at Ampurias,
giving out that they will be very suddenly in the
Field; whereupon, his Majesty hath nominated
the Duke of Elboeuf to command there in the
room of the late deceased Duke of Candale.
From Madrid they write, that the Rejoycings
were continued for the Birth of the young Prince
of Spain, and would continue till the beginning
of Lent; but the joy was some what abated because
of a great sickness befallen the Count of Ognate.
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