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Mercurius politicus, Number 405, 25th February-4th March 1658 E.748[18]

At Amsterdam, they intend to go on with the
War against Portugall, notwithstanding the instances
made by the Publick Ministers of England
and France.
Colonel Balthasar, a German Commander, has
now made an Agreement with this Crown, in pursuance
whereof he is to raise a Regiment of horse;
and another of Foot; he is to goe to Geneva,
where it is hoped, that by his Credit and Reputation
among the Germans which serve the Spaniard
in Italy, he shall be able to draw most of them
from that service.
The Deputies, of the, Protestants have at length
had hearing at Court, where it was told them,
that his Majesty did not intend in any point to infringe
the Edict of Nantes formerly made in favor
of the Protestant Professors. It was referred to
Monsieur the Chancellor to examine al their complains,
before whom they shall have liberty to
justify themselves, their purpose being to make it
appear, that they have not done any thing that
may cause them to forfeit the Terms confirmed to
them by vertue of the said Edict.
The great Fair is now held, and yesterday the
shop keepers met together, and went to Monsieur
the Chancelor to demand a prolongation of
the Fair, because the Trading hath been very
much hindred by the great Inundations of waters
in and about this City.
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