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Mercurius politicus, Number 405, 25th February-4th March 1658 E.748[18]

ours fell on them, finding little opposition, beat up the whole
Campe; ours loft six the others loft about 100: our Governor
returned home bringing 3 Guns shooting a ball of 6. pound
weighty many arms, 11 Cornets and 2 Ketledrums, and some
prisoners. Yesterday, our soldiers and Citizens went out again,
for to fetch in the Goods out of the Polonian Campe. This
day some of the Polanders appeared againe in that Camp:;
Ours making out against them, the polanders went away and
fled. An other party of the Polnaders came before Parnaw,
which they assaulted, in which storm they lost 500 men; and
were forced to be gone.
From Antreerp Feb. 26.
The deep wayes will not suffer any tydings to be brought
unto us, we hope our Souldiers will be gon again to Flanders
as soon as the water is more fit for a march; for to oppose the
French and English: It is hoped, that the time draweth on
for the chusing of a new Emperour, and doubtless the House
of Austria will carry that Dignity.
From the Hague March 1. S. N.
We hear that the Swedish Ministers have had Letters,
Where in the King of Sweden intimateth unto them the takeing
of the Island Funen, referring himself to a large printed Paper
in the German tongue: the Contents are, that by the help of
Planks and Boards his men marched on the ninth of February
over to the Island of Bromso; where having set his men in
battel aray, his Majesty in his marching got news from General
Wrangel, that he had defeated Colonel See stead on the
Straad, and took him and the Officers of his Regiment prisoners,
thereupon his Majesty made mad hadste in his march, who
joyntly with the other fell on the Danish, commanded by Colonel
Jens (General Goldenleuw being not well, could not be
Present) Colonel. Jens desired quarter, arid the Danes routed,
and the most ruined and taken: among the prisoners are five
Rix Senators, Iwar Wind, Kuntz Resencrantz, Otto Krage,
Jurgen Brahe, and Christian Rantzau, and Leiutenant General
Goldenleuw. His Majesty went to Odenzee, and General
Wrangel to Newborg, where four men of War did lye;
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