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Mercurius politicus, Number 405, 25th February-4th March 1658 E.748[18]

for the news he brought of the Birth of the young Prince of
Spaine 100 pistols, which news was instantly intimated to all
Magistrates in the Towne and Country, whereupon 280
Dukes, Earls and other persons of quality are summoned
to appear, and to accompany the royal Cavalcade the 24 of
February, and to be at the solemnizing of the Feast of Quadriglia,
in order to the honouring of the Prince of Spaines Nativity.
From Rome 3. Febr.
The Ambassador and Ministers of Parma have desired
leave to be gone, because they see they cannot prevail. On
Sunday morning Cardinal Colonna, Protector of the Kingdom
of Arragon, accompanied with a great Train presented
the Letter of the King of Spain, where by was intimated
the birch of the young Prince of Spain. His Eminencie accompanied
with many Cardinals went to the Spanish Church
of St.James, where the Church Ceremonies with great applause
were performed. The Shews made for joy of the birth
of that Prince are inexpressible; in the Chappel of Santa
Maria Maggiore where M[unr]s was celebrated that day with six
Musical Chores. At the arrival of the Kings Messenger from
Madrid, there were two Letters at that time presented to his
Holiness from his Two Nuntio's. The Pope was pleased with
that which Bonnelli sent, but the Letter sent by Massini he
cared not to have read, but it was torn in pieces in his presence.
From Millain 4. Feb.
Our Camp which is in Cremonois is upon dutting out of a
way whereby to oppose the Enemy, w[unr]o threaten much;
from thence they intend to remove, after they have frustrated,
the Enemies intentions and re[unr]at into good Winter Quarters,
which the present frost forceth them upon. On[unr] Governor
Fuensaldaign, and the Duke of Mantua have resolved upon a
General defence, to whom is gone Colonel Maurice to
assist in that work of defence. The publick Bonefires being
derformed by the Magistrates, the Church men began also
to make Bone fires for three days together as which firing
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