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Mercurius politicus, Number 405, 25th February-4th March 1658 E.748[18]

some mischance fell out which made terrors and fright among
the multitude, insomuch that many were killed and
and smothered in that confusion.
Another from Riga Jan. 28.
The Polanders having kept us in a continued alarm, our Govenor
Major General Helmfield marched out with some Horse,
Dragoons, and Voluntiers of handicraft men, and marched to
the Polanders Camp, entrenched, but made no alarm, till they
had possest themselves of the out-works, then they flung handgranadoes
among the Enemies, whereby they were terified,
insomuch, that they forsook the Campe, ours took 2 waggons
laden with ammunition, store of wood, meal, butter, bread,
flesh and the like, above 200 loads of hay which the Enemies
fetcht into their Campe afarr off: their Dragoons stood stoutly
to it in their Tranches, but ours put them to the worst with
the handgranadoes, which would not give them leave to stand
out an assault, but betook themselves to their heeles: ours
prest in; all that they found in arms they kild, in which Combate
several officers of the Enemies lost their lives, and many
were taken prisoners by this Defeat given to the Enemie, the
passages obstructed into Courland are opened agayne: besides,
the Polanders are not able to make up a Body againe for incamping
on the other side of Duna. We having had great want
of hay and wood are nowfurnisht And the common people is in
a great deale of courage, they fetching out of the Polanders
Campe all manner of provision vessels, utensils, and such like,
where they stored themselves abundantly. The prisoners we
took say, that the Enemies power consisted of 18 Troops and
From Frankford 20 Feb.
His Majesty of Hungary is to be at Asshassenburgh within
sixteen days, where he intends to stay for the coming of the
Prince Elector of Saxony. The Elector of M[unr]ntz caused
Lodgings to be made ready for the Prince Elector of Saxony.
Here are arrived eleven Waggons heavy laden, belonging
to the Spanish Ambassador. Pignoranda, which were conducted
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