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Mercurius politicus, Number 405, 25th February-4th March 1658 E.748[18]

by twenty Heyday all which had Black Liveries
We think have an Emperor in March.
From Vienna 9. Feb.
We have from Hungary, that great preparations for War
are made against the Turks. Prince Ragotzi craveth protection
of his Majesty of Hungary, p offering his Frontier
Towns which arc yet in his power to his Majesty, besides a
sum of money, against all the Enemies of his Majesty of Hungary.
Another from Venice 11. Feb.
Here is arrived an extraordinary Nuntio from the Pope,
with a declaration to our Republick, that besides the 3000
men, sent already, his Holiness is resolved, against the next
field Expedition to fend divers Gallies and ten men of War,
fix thereof his Holiness sends, and the other four are sent by
the Princes Borghese, Ludovlco, Barbarino, and Pamphilio,
and the Duke of Florence is resolved to send also. two Gallies.
Item, those of Malta, have sent three men of War to the, other
Squadron and the Catholick King intends to send as many
also, besides his Holiness hath promised to send two Gallies
more: this is thankfully accepted of, D[unr]matia is still threatned
by the Turks. Our Senators are resolved to send l000
Souldiers to Candia.
From Dantzick 9 and 13. Feb
The King of Poland is gone to Warsovia. for to summon
the Nobility. To his Electoral Highness are to be delivered
according to the agreement, Butta[unr]v and Lawenburg in Pomerellia,
lying in the Frontiers-of Pomerania. We hear from
Berlin, that the Envoy is returned from Vienna, bringing a
resolution for to a assist the King of Denmark, an that the 15
of March was appointed for a meeting to be kept at Franckfrord
on the Oder, to treat about over tures for peace The
12th of February was the beginning of the meeting at Warsovia.
From Sedan 17. Feb.
Cardinal de Rets is gone to Germany, to be present at
the cl[unr]sing of the Emperor; this Cardinal it is said was at
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