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Mercurius politicus, Number 405, 25th February-4th March 1658 E.748[18]

they stragle into the Ducal Prussia to fetch forrage. The
French Ambassador de L'Ombres is going toward Berlin,
and from thence to the King of Sweden, for to mediate
between Roland and Sweden.
At Twelf-tyde the Polanders went away from before Riga,
forsaking the siege.
From Riga, Jan. 18.
I cannot but let you know the great Victory which by
Gods mercy we obtained on twelfe day at night, whereas our
Governor Helmfield assaulted the Enemies well-fortifyed
leaguer with about 6000 men, on the other side of the Duna,
which scaled successfully, and took 20 colours, with all the
artillery and Baggage, and 200 prisoners, among whom are
many Polnish Lords and persons 0' quality. Their Commander,
Colonel Wigand, was killed, with divers other Colonels
and 1800 common-Soldiers flan upon the place. A great
store of provisions and Victuals was sound there, which the
Inhabitants of this City have been carrying away these 2 days
so that the Enemys leaguer is totally ruined, and we (by Gods
great mercy) are free again.
From Mytaw, out of Courland, Jan. 19.
The besieged in Riga sallyed out two days out of Riga with
between 5 and 6000 men and gave a total defeat to the Poles
on this side of the River Duna, so that of 2000 men scarce
200 escaped, who yesterday ran away without armes, and almost
naked, by which meanes Riga is now fully victualled
again, and there is but little appearance that the Poles will be
able to attempt any thing more against this City. Yesterday,
went from hence some Sleds laden with Victnals for Riga, and
an abundance of provisions is carried unto it from divers other
places, besides the great store of Victuals they have gotten
in the Polnish leaguer. The Moscovites draw many thousands
of men together about Kiakenbousen; what is their, design, we
shall know, ere long.
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