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Mercurius politicus, Number 405, 25th February-4th March 1658 E.748[18]

An Advertisement of Books newly Printed and Published,
Culpeppers Semeiotic a Uranica: Or an Astrological Judgement
of Diseases. By Nich. Culpeper Gent. Student in Physick and Astrology.
The third Edition.
A Compendious Piece entituled, The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence, or
the Arts of Wooing and Complementing; as they are managed in the most
eminent Courts of Europe. Both sold by Nath Brooks at the sign of the Angel
in Cornhil.
From Hamburgh. Feb. 9
My last was eight days past, Certifying you of the King of
Swedens taking of Fuenen; since it is confirmed from
several places. But what loss the Swedes have had, is not
known; I believe not must. There were about 5 or
6000 men in Fuenen all taken and stain. One Colonel of the
Danes was slain, the rest were taken. The 31 past the King
of Sweden was at Odensea; the report goeth, he marched the
next day to Langland, and is supposed is in Sealand this day;
if so, farewel King Frederick. Guldenlew the General of the
Danes is taken in Fuenen also five of the Rix-Senators 7 great
Ships and 40 samll ones taken also in Fuenen, I hope we shall
have all the particulars next week to send you. There is in Fuenen
316 Gentlemens houses; the King summon'd all the
Gentlemen to appear at Odensea the 31 past, upon confiscation
on of their lands, In Sealand there ate not above 2000 Soldiers
of the Danes.
From Roterdam March 1. S.N.
Charls Stuart arid his Brethren were lately and perhaps still
may be at Antwerp, his great dependance is wholly upon
the Popish Princes, who would do something (if they knew
how) in favor of him, to find work for him in England; bus if
ever he have help from them he must pay dear for it.
The fortune of the Dane declining, he is now inclining to
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