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Mercurius politicus, Number 405, 25th February-4th March 1658 E.748[18]

Whitchall, March 3.
This day is published the following Proclamation.
A PROVLAMATION Commanding all Papists, and
All other persons, who have been of the late Kings Party or
His Son torepair unto their places of abode, and not to remove
above five miles from the Same.
FOr Preventing the dangers that may be occasioned by the
confluence of Papists, and other ill affected persons at this
time to the Cities of London and Westminster, and places adjacent;
His Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice
and consent of His Privy Council, hath thought fit to
Publish and Declare, and doth hereby enjoyn and requite all
and every person and persons born within this Commonwealth,
being a Papist or Popish Recusant; and all and every
other person and persons, who hath, or have at any time born
Arms against this Commonwealths or adhered to, or willingly
assisted the Enemies thereof in the late war, not being now
under restrains, this to they and every of them do, before the
Twelfth day March now next coming, (or if under restraint,
then within three dayes after his or their enlargmens,) repaire
unto his and their place of dwelling where he or they usually
heretofore made their common abode, and shall not at any
time after, until the first day of Easter Term now next coming,
pass, or remove above Five miles from thence. Or if such Papist
Popish Recusant, or other persons aforesaid, have no certain
places of dwelling or abode within this Commonwealth,
That then all and every such Papist Popish Recusant, and other
Person and persons aforesaid, do by the respective times before
limited, repair to the place where he or they were born, on
where the Father or Mother of such persons or persons shall then
be dwelling and not at any time after, until the said first day
of Easter Ter[unr], pass or remove above five miles from thence,
upon pain of being apprehended and proceeded against as a distuber
of the publique Peace. And His [unr]ness doth hereby
strictly charge and command all Mayors, Justices of the the Peace,
Constables, and all other Officers, Civil and Military, to apprehend
Or cause to to be apprehended all and every such Papist,
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