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Mercurius politicus, Number 407, 11th-18th March 1658 E.748[23]

Numb. 407.
Mercurius Politicus,
The sum of Forein Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on foot in the Three Nations
For Information of the People.
------ It à vertere Seria {Horat. de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday March 11. to Thursday March 18. 1657.
From Dalkeith, March, 5.
THis Country continueth in very quiet posture,
& by reason of the vigilance of our General, the
Common Enemy will find it a hard and hazardous
point to attempt an Invasion upon as. A
little time more will serve to weare the name
and memory of Charls Stuart out of the hearts
of this People: It is a Family under which they never were
at ease, but alwaies strugling, and they had enough of the
young man when he was among them.
The inclosed is an honest plain Addresse from the Regiment
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