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Mercurius politicus, Number 431, 26th August-2nd September 1658 E.756[13]

forces lie about Ypre, which is the place that its beleeved our
Army will next fall upon, and Gene[unr] Marsin lies upon
the river Lys with a small Body of the Condean forces.
From Elbing, Aug. 9.
Some days ago a Captain with 10 followers arrived here,
coming from Thoren hard by the Enemies Camp, who brought
full relation in what condition in what condition Thoren is.
To wit, that the Austrian Forces fell on at the beginning of
this month, on the little Sconce before the Bridg, which they
took, but with the loss of many of their men. And by night
they crossed the river Wisel, intending to surprize the greater
Sconce before the bridg, but had no success, for, many of
them were drowned, their Vessels being battered and sunk, and
42 of them taken prisoners and carried into the City. The
said Captain reports also, that nothing was wanting in Thoren
but fresh meat and fish, and the Polanders approached near the
City, but were beaten back and many of them slain.
From Revel, July 28.
Our Ambassadors, which have been in Moscovy, returned
safely to Narva on the 1 of July: It was their good luck,
that they tarried not on the Frontiers else they had been staid
by a Courrier, coming in all haste after them, with express
order to stay them.
The Russie Ambassadors have been at Novograde, to whom
the French Ambassador sent a letter know their intent, because
they were expected at the Treaty. What answer they
will give shall be known hereafter. The Ambassadors had
course entertainment in Moscovy 10 or 12 men were put into
one Room, neither were they enquartered, in the City, but
in By-houses without the City, and their arms were taken
from them also; the vulgar sort mocked their, and their servants
were abused.
From Riga, Aug. 2.
Our forces are broken up, of the foot there are 8 Regiments,
their Artillery consists of 6 great guns and 8 smaller,
and 3 mortar pieces, and they are marched directly, against
Wollmar. Tomorrow Field marshal Duglasse, and Lieutenant
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