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Mercurius politicus, Number 431, 26th August-2nd September 1658 E.756[13]

Whitehal, Aug. 28.
His Highness the Lord Protector was pleased to confer
the Honor of Baronet on William Wyndham of Orchard-Wyndham,
in the County of Somerset, Esquire. A person
of a very Noble Extraction, of much Merit, and of high
esteem in his Country.
The Account touching the Low-Country Affairs is;
That nothing hath passed of any action since the Surrender
of Graveline; nor do we hear that the Army is set down before
any other Town, but that the Forces of Marshal Tureine
and La Ferte are now united in order to some design.
We had news of the death of the Right honorable the
Earl of Mulgrave, one of his Highness most Honorable
Privy Council, who being upon his journey out of the North
towards London, fell sick on Monday last at Lincoln, and died
before night.
From Dantzik, 14 August.
The Dyet is continued still, but to what their consultations
extend, cannot be learned. Major General Heister hath
made an escape from Elbing. It was by sound of Trompet
made publikely known in Elbing, that all strangers which are
in that City should be gone within 24 houres. Those in
Kingsberg are full of courage, confiding in the men that are
there sufficient to defend that place, besides they expect 6000
Polanders, and 4000 of the Austrian forces, which are already
in their march thitherward.
These forces intend to be intrenched two leagues from
Elbing, and Prince Radzivill lets them have great Guns from
Kingsberg. All the Brandenburgish forces which are enquartered
in the Mark have order, to draw into a body, and be in
the field within four daies.
From Collen, 18 August.
At the Hague they have, counted the dammage which the
Hollanders suffred by the Portugals in Brasile; it mounteth to
30 millions: the Portugall Ambassador is disheartned at it.
The Swedish Resident the Lord Appleboom desired in a Memorandum
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