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Mercurius politicus, Number 431, 26th August-2nd September 1658 E.756[13]

which he delivered to the Lords States General, that
they should declare whither they would assist Brandenburg
and Dantzick, and whether the Treaty of Elbing should be
ratified; but they would have Dantzick and Brandenburg
included in that Treaty.
From Nurnburg, August 8.
The Deputies sent to Franckfort from hence are return'd,
bringing back the Imperial Diadem and other ornaments;
they were conducted to the City Gate by the Brandenburgish
horse. Great preparations made to entertain his Imperial
From Nismes, July 29.
Some time since the intendant of this Province was eight
daies in this City, and yet he caused not the publication to be
made of the abolition of amnisty, whereof he had given us
Copy subscribed by his Secretary: and though he hath ingaged
his word; and obliged himself in writing afore he came
in, to publish it, yet he hath not performed it, which is attributed
to the influence the Bishop of that place hath upon his
spirit, and to the irreconcileable hatred he beats against the
Protestants, &c.
From Franckford, August 7.
Since the Emperor and the Electoral Princes and Ambassadors
are gone home, all is quiet here.
The Prince Elector of Mentz went a day before his Imperial
Majesty, making up to Ashaffenburg, there to receive
and entertain him. By pluralitie of Votes it was resolved,
that the Deputation day for the Empire should have
its beginning on the first of October next ensuing: and the
Deputies are to bring with them more full plenipotencies.
From Holstein, 22 August. S. N.
In all appearance we are like to have further troubles between
the Swedish and the Danish. For the Swedish have
blockt up the Steinburger Sconce, and have surprised the
Earle of Eberstein his Regiment, and they intend to fall also
on Rensburg; and his Majesty of Sweden is gone with the Imbarked
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