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Mercurius politicus, Number 431, 26th August-2nd September 1658 E.756[13]

forces into Zeland, and hath landed them at Cassuer,
and is marched up towards Coppenhagen.
From Paris, August 27. S. N.
Our Letters from the Hague say, that part of their men of
War are oat at Sea, but what design they are upon, is unknown.
Also, that there were eleven men of War in the
port of Amsterdam, of which the least is said to carry 40
pieces of Canon. Moreover, that the Portugal affair is yet
in suspence at the Hague, notwithstanding the endevours of
our Ambassador and the English Resident.
The news of the great defeat given to the Turks by the
Prince of Transylvania is confirmed to us by Letters from
many parts.
Here is a Courrier arived from Rome, with a Pacquet to the
Popes Nuntio, who is since gone hence to find out his Eminencie:
so also is the sieur B[unr]llisani Resident of Mantua, to
confer touching the Affairs of the Duke his Master. This
Courrier confirms the news of the marriage of Seignior Augustino
the Popes Nephew with the Princess of Borgbese.
On the Wedding day, the Pope sent his Nephew fifty thousand
Crowns in Gold, with a Diamond valued at above
Thirty Thousand Livres, and a Collar of Pearle of no less
Our news out of Spain is; that the King hath ordered a
collecting of all the forces that may be for hindring the progresse
of the Portugalls, who have of late been very prevalent.
By several Avisoes out of the Levant, we are certified, that
the Son of our Ambassador at Constantinople, and his Secretary,
have been imprisoned, being accused of corresponding
with the Venetians; but before we give full credit, we
expect a confirmation.
Don John hath given Marshal D' Amount his liberty upon
parole, and lent him a Coach to bring him to Boulogne; and
Marshal Tureine hath dismissed the Governor of Antwerp upon
the like account.
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