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Mercurius politicus, Number 431, 26th August-2nd September 1658 E.756[13]

From Rome, Aug. 6.
We have had news several ways of the Election of the
new Emperor, as also by a Letter from his Imperial Majesty
himself, which was presented to his Holiness by the Cardinal
Colonna. At which the Pope expresseth much joy, and ordered
the singing of Te Deum in his own Chapel, and several
Churches, as also the discharging of the great guns
at the Castle at St Angelo several times. The Ministers of
Spain also have made publick rejoycings for 3 days together.
Hereupon, the Pope hath declared Caraffa, who is Nuntio
at Venice, to go Nuntio towards the Emperor, to congratulate
his Advancement, and the Nephew of Cardinal Sachetti
is to reside in his place with the Venetians.
The Venetian galleys are now joyned with these of the
Pope and of Malta, to attaque the Turks upon their coming
out of the Dardanelles.
The business of the Title to Comachio, which is claimed
by the Duke of Modena, but at present possessed as a part of
St Peters Patrimony, is now put on again by pressing Instances
to the Pope, that it may be restored to the said Duke.
From the French Camp before Mortare,
August 16. stilo novo.
Our besieging of this place hath given a frightfull Alarm
to the whole State of Milan. We have made such a progress
that we have gained not only the contrescarp, but lodged our
men also at the foot of the Half Moon, where the besieged
can endure to stay no longer, having been beaten out thence
by our Batteries.
Since this, the besieged made a Salley forth upon the
Quarter of the Switzers, and having burnt some places of
shelter, they were forced back again, leaving behind some
of their men slain, and some prisoners, among whom is the
Serjeant Major of the garrison, named Bayetta, who is also
Likewise, Colonel Capelier, whom the Count of Fuensaldagne,
Governor of Milan, had sent to approach our lines
with 300 choice horse to get into this place, was driven back
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